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my last discussion status on deviantart got me thinking

playing around with an AU (or maybe I'll just add it to my canon story? Idk), where Twilight and Discord, rather than getting married and living mostly happily ever......now instead play out a bit more realistically, a bit more in line with their interactions in the show. They don't marry. They do not form a stable partnership. What they do do is make a baby together, and then everything after that is kind of a mess.

Far be it from me to descend into more melodrama though. Here's the gist of things:

Following her research into the nature of chaos magic, Twilight forms a secret relationship with Discord. It's shaky, and not very serious, but the old goat can be a little charming sometimes, so sue her. Their "experiments" lead to the creation of an egg that Discord claims is half his, half Twilight's. Twilight has an "oh shit" moment, but decides to take a shot raising their child together, in a loving home, as a happy family.

Except it turns out Discord isn't so good at the whole 'domestic' thing. He's not a great partner or father, much preferring to spend his time sowing strife into the hearts of mortals. When Twilight gets upset, he's a little put out- did she really expect him, the lord of chaos, immortal being of pure magic- to waste his talents changing diapers? Pushing a pram? Checking in more than once a month? Their relationship was light and noncommittal before, he doesn't get why things have to change.

This sparks a big argument, with Twilight trying to open Discord's eyes. Discord cares about Twilight and Panny both, more than he even understands, but continues to dismiss the entire notion of love as pointless (drawing on how he acts in The Break-up Breadown). He is ancient and powerful and very much still sees mortals as playthings. His fling with Twilight was a game, and now Twilight's changed the rules. She's the one whose not being fair. Did she expect him to sweep her up in a white wedding? Play nice with Canterlot nobles? Fall in love? Play happy family? All these things are antithetical to who he is, he says.

Twilight can accept that.....and she can also kick him out, because she's got too much self-respect to forever play the nagging wife to an irresponsible hubby. She decides being a single mom will be her newest princess mission. 

Over the years, Twilight does date around, hoping to settle down, but things never seem to work out, for one reason or another. She and Discord are salty exes, and on-again, off-again lovers. When things are good between them, they're really good, Discord is fun and knowledge personified. But when they're bad, they're really bad, and Twilight kicks him out again. Each time she says it will be the last, but the damned noodle keeps worming his way back into her good graces. They do love each other, but they're not very good at being functional.

All this instability affects lil Pan. She's as anxious as ever, and struggles being torn between two completely different heritages. Also, because Discord isn't around a lot, she's rather clingy of him and believes he can do no wrong. Dad is fun and freedom, her stuffy mom just doesn't get it. She very much enjoys being daddy's little princess and trying like mad to keep his attention.......until she eventually realizes that Discord is old and bitter and lonely, and maybe she doesn't wanna be like him all that much. She begins repressing her draconequus half and puts her all into getting coronated as a princess. She desperately wants to be adored and validated by the little ponies, because Pan isn't sure how to love herself on her own. She's carrying some subconscious daddy issues (and mommy issues, Pan is a mess), but does not like addressing them. She has to believe that her father is good and noble and has a good reason for leaving over and over again.

Discord views Panny as his little mischief buddy, he has no clue how to be a real parent or deal with her emotional needs.



Kyri Arriaga

This is very down to earth. I enjoy this relatability juxtaposed with the fantastical.


Honestly as much as I looove and want to just shippy smash discord and twilight into a loving relationship I dooo see this headcannon being much more realstics and befitting of pandoras various insecurities and anxieties. But id like to hope that discord be a little bit more loving and wanting to treat pandora as a daughter but failing to stay when things get rough.


Just a leeettle👌bit more loving. After all he did have to endure some gestastion period of nausea, emotion turmoul and spontaneous crying (Or was it a snap of fingers moment? I dont temember what your heacannon for that was?)


Hmm. If you don’t mind me saying so, while I see this being more “realistic”, I do think I probably prefer the sappy ending where they’re a happy family unit. I dunno, I’ve always liked how fanfic writers like you tweak Discord into a character who learns to care, and cares about changing for his loved ones and becoming less selfish because of what he gains through friendship. Though I will admit that this^ characterization you‘ve described here is more in line with his canon personality, where he’s an inevitable representation of chaos itself, unable to commit and unable to take anything too seriously... Buuuutttt... like you said, the writers really turned Discord into a massive asshat in the later seasons, and it’s kind of a bummer to me to see him portrayed that way :/ So my preference lies with doting Discord dad! I like the idea of the old goat finding a long-missing purpose in having a heart-meltingly adorkable little family unit. Ramble ramble ramble


But don’t let me change your mind! I do like how this situation would feed into Pan’s insecurities. It seems like it would fit the story and I think that either would work :)


I love the realism and drama, giving Pandora a true root to her narcotism; especially with the on again, off again lovers idea. But, I really do prefer the happy ending Pandoraverse, although, I am a hopeless romantic and love happy endings. So, I really can’t speak for the rest of your followers.


That's fair. I anticipated viewers could dislike a formerly happy family now depicted as dysfunctional. I too just want good things for Twilight, and positive growth for Discord. Though I will play around with this idea more and observe reader reactions.


I very much like this idea and it does make sense for Dizzy in a way, but admittedly I love seeing the chaos god in his more domestic role in the Pandoraverse much more. I feel like you’ve struck a good balance with him still being the crazy old goat gleefully causing mischief but still loves his little family and is happy to have found his own little slice of harmony


Though if you want to expand or explore this you know at my core I’m your ride or die bitch ;p


Well gosh, you weren't kidding when you said that the 'Fluttercord' discussion got you thinking. As much as I love Twilight, Discord and Panny as a loving family, I can't deny that this is more in keeping with the Discord we've seen in the show, and especially in Season 9: reckless, self-absorbed and mostly callous to the people he 'cares' about. I think the worst part of it is seeing the effect that it has on Pandora: our happy, carefree protagonist becoming scared, confused and emotionally broken. I think she's actually worse off here than she was in 'Coronation', and that's saying something. It breaks my heart to see real-life relationships where a child is born into a dysfunctional family with little to no love, but I commend you for not shying away from the issue. I just hope that even in this AU, she has Cupcake, or at least some sort of friend to support her. Although this does make me curious: if I may ask, what inspired you to 'ship' Discord and Twilight in the first place? I enjoy the pairing, and Pandora is a wonderful character, but of all the possible pairings, what inspired you to create this one? ps. In spite of the seriousness of the subject, I can't help but smile at the image of Pandora elongating her midsection and wrapping around Daddy Dearest like an emotionally imbalanced python. It's a subtle, but adorable detail.


I think this, as tragic as it is, contributes far more to Pandora’s personal dilemma. Without really a stable family, Panny would have quite a cause to be the anxious, insecure noodle she is.


Oh hey feels are coming back. I went through something similar (including the different heritage conflicts) It’s just a big mess and horrible and I feel so bad for Pan. I do love it, but it does feel like Discord keeps coming back for Twilight and not Pan. That’s what I initially got. That he doesn’t care for pandora but wants that fun fling again with his ex.

Dragon Turtle

I don't think you need to change your universe's core dynamic to fit with the developments of Season 9 or the finale. I accepted that your Eqeustria was vastly different years ago. -Chrysalis actually giving more of a damn about her people. -Thorax not the king, marries Spike. -Sunset in Equestria -The Pillars just being figures from the past. -No Student 6 around (besides Ocellus's new origin as being created AFTER Chyssie and Celly hook up). -Sombra and Tirek hooking up, and Sombra's IDW lore being incorporated. -Actually remembering that Blueblood exists. Some of this stuff, I loved that you focused on. Some of the canon, I was upset you were disregarding. I actually had a self-conscious phase about liking stuff that my favorite creator didn't. But I got over it. Pandoraverse is inevitably different from the show's status quo, since you're going to have Luna, Celestia, Cadence and Twilight actually running Equestria as a council of rulers (plus Chrysalis), rather than Celestia and Luna faffing off to a seaside retirement resort. "Laterz!" Without the literal weight of the world being thrust on Twilight in your story, there isn’t a conflict that Discord even feels he needs to solve (honestly, his idea of helping is just further along on the spectrum of insanity that everyone ELSE is on for thinking this is FAIR to Twilight). As The Final Problem plays out, I’m not even sure when Twilight will even have TIME for romance, outside of some political arrangement. Having her stay in Ponyville instead of being uprooted to Canterlot actually gives the chance for a love story with Discord (or anyone) to play out. Maybe the fact that we haven’t seen much of the romance between Twilight and Discord is why it feels weird to look at the canon, and then look at the current point of your story with them living together. I think you've had a vision for these characters as they were back in 2014, when you started sharing the Pandoraverse on DeviantArt. Just like how Lauren Faust created her own show based on the stories SHE made while watching MLP as a kid; and probably had a slightly different story in mind when creating the first two seasons. Your stories are a product of that time in the show and our fandom. That's not a criticism, it's something wonderful about you. We all took inspiration from Friendship is Magic. But you outpaced most of us in this fandom. You had the confidence to create and share; the work ethic to consistently make content; the vision to make it all coherent; the openness to interact with your community; and strength to sort through both criticism and worthless toxicity. All the stuff needed to make a universe, like great artists and writers before you. Whether the show just affected you that strongly, or because you already had so much talent and generosity welling up inside you. And you don't have to try reeling the whole timeline back like a fishing line to try to reset a bunch of things. I don't think that could feel coherent anyway. Yes you've changed things along the way, like say, Spike x Scootaloo. But besides Jasper being a pretty minor piece of the world, everything you've done with Thorax and Smokescreen shows that including them brought you more motivation and joy. What you're proposing here feels like trying to pull out the stitching of a yard-long blanket; lengthy and unfulfilling. I definitely can't tell you what to draw, so maybe this could be an AU piece, like with your excellent Pretty Princesses piece that accompanied Twilight’s Choice. Discord giving up and leaving just sounds too similar to what Loryska does with him and Fluttershy, and Vindhov with Twilight and her own failed relationship. And I’m really worried that I’m sounding like a turd here, because I don’t want to sound like there’s anything WRONG with their work, and I certainly don’t want to accuse you of being derivative! It’s just that your’re the only one with YOUR vision.

Dragon Turtle

I thought that the living situation Lopoddity's already illustrated almost perfectly sets up Pandora's personality flaws and signs of insecurity. Panny’s self-esteem doesn’t come from comparing herself to JUST her mother. It’s comparing herself to the household itself. Twilight and Discord are alternating forces of Order and Chaos. That they can consistently love each other and live together is a flat-out miracle. Pandora compares herself to that miracle. She can’t be the “perfect proper princess” that is her mother, nor can she be the bizzare-yet-tamed eccentric wizard her father is. She feels like she doesn’t fit in the picture perfect version of Equestria.


Well aw shucks. <) Give a gal the warm fuzzies, why dontcha. For the record, I agree with you in full- one of the reasons I was hesitant to explore this storyline is BECAUSE it felt too similar to Loryska, and I definitely don't want to plunder her thunder. Maybe I did it as an olive branch to the Fluttercord shippers who claimed I wasn't being fair. Or maybe I can't resist writing about daddy issues? Who knows! But yeah....after giving it thought and reading through feedback....this will remain an AU. There's enough parent drama in the story already XD