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"Oh my god Moony, you can't go as Princess Celestia on Nightmare Night! This is Princess Luna's holiday!"

"On the contrary. It's a free country and I can do whatever I want. That means going as the best princess."


This needs some spit n' polish but it's pretty much done. Three idiots dress up as their favorite princess. They all have specific personal reasons for their choices- see if you can guess why!



Angsty Ram

Moondancer: Her regality, the bringer of light, her rein, dat mane Pandora: Her mystery, the subtle chaos within Luna, respects her reformation Cupcake: Like... she’s pretty guys, maybe that just because she wasn’t a unicorn she made so much of a difference she could elevate to alicornhood, night and day are cool but love is certainly the glue Lol idk


Aww, pandora is such a cute little chub noodle!


Cupcake is like “I just think she’s neat.”


CUPPY IS SO PRETTY OMG LOOK AT THESE WIDDLE NERD BABS-or something clever about their princess symbolism


I do have what I believe to be plausible reasonings as to each characters choice, but I then realised those choices would fit thier adult characterisations rather than thier child characterisations. So instead I'm just going to meet my pedantic d-bag quota for the day: Aren't Celestia and Luna *Queens* in your headcannon? ;)


Bootiful gurls, look at dese bootiful gurls! I feel like 60% of my comments on here and DeviantART are nonsensical, jokey gobbledigook and 40% are sincere, thoughtful praise. Or both! Consistency ain't my forte hahahaha. Just know it all translates to you rocking and being one fantabulous artist and gal! Edit: Moony chose power; Pan chose chaotic mayhem that Nightmare ultimately personified; and Cupcake probably chose a princess who ascended from a humble, non-magical pegasus through grit and spit, also, love can be practical and all reaching.