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I've hit a snag in my writing for The Lies that Kill Us. It can be tricky writing an affair, especially between cutesy ponies. If I can spoil the plot a little, what I've got so far is that Fleur has her affair with Blueblood as revenge against her husband, who has grown cold and distant and too caught up with business dealings and the flanks of younger mares. The gist of it is, the Canterlot elite culture has poisoned them both, they have fully bought into the selfishness and snobbery of the upper class, and have developed negative coping methods to stave off their boredom and misery. Neither Fleur nor Fancy come off as a saint here.

A happy ending happens (eventually), but I'm concerned people will read the wrong message, "Fancy cheated first, which is why it was okay that Fleur cheated". That's not what I'm trying to say at all, it's just a story about two people who make terrible decisions, then grow and choose to forgive each other. :/

Also, I'm concerned that people will object to my portrayal of Fancy as just as self-absorbed and greedy as the rest of the uppercrust (even though the show has depicted him being so).

So what do you all think? Should I keep the dual cheating thing in (Fancy has several one night stands with Canterlot mares and their house staff, Fleur has one, extended affair with Blueblood), or should I cut it? Would it be better if Fleur cheats in response to Fancy being away and their marriage being on the rocks? I don't know if that makes for a weaker motivation, though....

So! Your feedback would be greatly appreciated! And as lovely as those comments are, I'm not looking for "Whatever you feel is best, Lop!". Honest criticism is valued here, don't be afraid to tell me my story sucks and how it should be rewritten!



Angsty Ram

I do find both of them being guilty of the same thing much more better than the latter. With Fancy constantly being away and getting into fights with Fleur, it sets up why he would be turned by other mares. Same with Fleur. When Fleur ends up pregnant it is something that they can both discuss together and grow to understand why. If it’s one sided, it tends to be harder but if both parties have cheated their recovery can be seen... more appropriate?? Idk but I prefer the two parties cheating. The one thing I don’t like though is Fleur doing it to get back at Fancy. I don’t think she is that kind of pony. I believe she’d be aware of her husband’s infidelity but would not purposefully go out to do the same. Instead getting wooed by Blueblood and giving into temptation, something she has missed for so long. Not the sex but just the attention and love. And I think that goes the same for Fancy too. He fell out of love for a while with Fleur before being reminded that having a circle of mares isn’t really love. An honest wife who admits that she did wrong is. And if he loved Fleur, he’d become an honest husband too. That’s my two cents tho.


The idea of a couple getting back together after "punishing" each other by sleeping around doesn't quite sit well with me. It was mentioned before that Blueblood was a friend to both of them- perhaps he misled Fleur and Fancy to think they were cheating on each other? If Fancy was away at business at lot, Blueblood could certainly be there as a shoulder for Fleur to cry on- and whisper lies to. I admire the stories and thought you put into these characters, and enjoy reading them a lot! Hope I helped.


You're very right, it's not sitting well with me either. Thanks for your feedback!


Cheating in a marriage is complicated. One of the things I can see that might make the story a bit more believable, is simply stating that the repair to their marriage took time, and effort. Sure, you can easily break something in your hand and forget about it. But fixing it? Takes way more effort and time. And the break between Fleur and Fancy is not a little one. At what point in your marriage does a person have to reach to do something like cheating? To me, an issue like that is not the first issue a marriage has. Its a symptom of the relationship trouble, not the trouble. I can see them coming back together when Fleur gets pregnant, because pregnancy forces you to stop for a moment and think about where your life is going, and what it's going to be. I imagine that when Fleur looked at her life she didn't like what she saw, and neither did Fancy. And in that moment, they had to make a decision _together_ for the first time in a very very long time. In this day and age a lot of us are taught that if something is broken, you replace it. Get a knew one. Get an upgrade. But there are some of us, who are taught that broken things should be fixed. Not thrown out. Maybe Fleur and Fancy prescribe to that way of thinking. And honestly, telling their daughter that yes, We had an affair, yes, we weren't perfect, we made mistakes, and we fixed them... maybe the best thing their daughter has ever heard in her life. Taking her parents down off of a pedestal and seeing them for human beings or pony beings that are living breathing people? THere is no better lesson that that. Really seeing a person, seeing their flaws and their positives, the good and the bad, it helps so much mentally. Especially when it comes to one's parents. And seeing that her parents made mistakes and FIXED THEM? Together? I cant think of a more positive message. Teaching your children to live a happy successful life is one thing. But showing them how to pick up a life after they've made a mistake? They'll remember and use that information more. Also, one thing to mention here, is you might be fighting an uphill battle with the worry about how others are going to take this. There are always going to be people around who choose to argue with you simply for the sake of it, or to try and put their personal values and limits on your characters. Or any character for that matter. If you worry about how much it's going to make someone mad because "Fancy didnt deserve to be in the bad guy light" or "God fleur is such a hoebag" Or any number of other complaints, its going to creatively paralyze you. Sometimes, you have to dig in with your heels and say "this is my story, and in my story it goes like THIS." One of my favorite quotes ever, is by John Lydgate, and I think of it all the time. “You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time”. Follow your heart. Go with your gut. Don't let other people shouting at you to change your mind actually change it.


I really don't agree with the sleeping with others as "revenge" either. That's gotta be the most dumbest excuse to cheat on someone (sorry. Hope that's not mean) Doing it because they were at their weakest points sounds better tbh and doesn't feel one sided. Of course there were consequences and I love what you've been doing so far. It makes sense. Blueblood of course isn't in the right either. I hope I'm making sense lol


Ohh I'd love to see the in between too. Like I'm not sure if you ever showed how Fancy reacted when Fleur was pregnant? Why did he accept Vogue as his daughter knowing she was the result of an affair. Stuff from Fancy's side etc. I mean, it doesn't have to be toooo much detail. Really sorry if you addressed some of this though. I haven't seen too much of your older older stuff lol


I like how you said the culture kinda poisoned them both. If you want to exclude the "who did it first" then see if you can write them as drifting apart for several months, then have the cheating start of the same night, perhaps a holiday where they feel the other has ignored them. Fancy, who'd been caught up in travels and dealings lets a pretty face at a quiet bar come back with him and Fleur lets herself be wooed and pampered like she felt she deserved. A month (or week or however long you'd like) and then each realizes the other has been cheating and each angrily continued to spite the other. Then Fleur gets pregnant and they had a very difficult but very needed talk. I imagine there was a lot of tears and shouting and several revelations they didn't know about until it came out of thier mouths in one furious burst. Then they got counseling. Lots and lots of counseling


I also imagine that finding out the cheating started on the same night oddly helped them get back together. Their similarities might have helped them get together in the first place and realizing they were so lonely and hurt the whole time they'd fallen apart might have helped them want to rebuild


i do like the idea of fancy being absent/judgy toward his wife as a product of being poisoned by the society, however i think that the revenge cheating is kinda... i dunno, it does paint the characters as both flawed but it still falls a bit flat? what if there was something of a long forgotten crush that fleur had for blueblood, so could blink and miss it, but as fleur is now living in a world where her fantasy life/husbans has lost its luster, she’s curious as to what would have happened if she’d gone another path (this doesnt change bluebloods feelings or motivations)


I feel they should both have cheated. With a marriage on the rocks, and the upper society's poisonings, maybe they were searching for a way to keep themselves safe financially/socially/for status/etc., should the divorce actually go through. And garnering more followers would also push them up in sympathy if they were truly to use this against each other. But perhaps... perhaps it's Vogue's existence that knocks some sense into them. Their world slows down a little and they realize... Thy want to make this work. They do care for each other, but life's problems aren't solved by running amuck and blaming each other. And that isn't the life they want for Vogue. And so, slowly but surely, they start over again. Get to know each other again- their likes, dislikes, hobbies, what they truly think outside the upper class' teachings, what they want for Vogue and her success in life. That's something I can see happening for them, in the way your writing flows.