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incoming headcanon art for Princess Skystar

decided to entertain my inner biology nerd and really lean into the "bird" aspect of her design. I like to think that Equestrian hippogriffs, like Queen Novo's flock, are not mammals, and not quite bird-horse hybrids. They're sapient birds that've evolved a hexapodal body structure. I know I wagered earlier that Skystar is a bird of prey, but then I noticed her super colorful coat, which would probably do fuck all for hunting ability. Ehh.

All the MLP hippogriffs seem to be colorful and flamboyant looking, with fancy plumage and long ornamental tail feathers. I can't see them being predators, they'd stand out like a sore thumb to even the dopiest prey animal. So perhaps hippogriffs descended from the same shared common ancestor as griffons, but evolved to be much, much more social. Living in flocks meant more claws on deck to help with gathering food and raising chicks, which contributed to their success as a species, allowing population growth. Early hippogriffs were more drab in color and much smaller, but as their species made the shift to an omnivorous diet, they slowly evolved bright plumage (for wooing mates) and grew larger.

Hippogriffs have diets largely consisting of plant matter, grains, flowers, seeds, insects, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and occasionally larger prey like pigs and deer. They are a polygamous species, and put on elaborate courtship displays involving singing, gifts of flowers and food, and aerobatic dancing. Claws and teeth may be used when fighting over mates, though true fights are rare- these disputes are often playful and theatrical, traditionally done by males for the amusement of females. Hippogriffs lay large, somewhat soft eggs, and chicks are attended to by the entire flock.

Mated monogamous pairs are not uncommon, but hippogriffs may also form polygamous married groups of up to six individuals.

The hippogriffs of Mount Aris enjoy a peaceful relationship with Equestria, and are governed by their wise leader, Queen Novo. Skystar is Novo's youngest chick.




I love your headcanons for their society and culture! And the bright plumage and ornamental feathers are very striking. They make for a very colorful society!