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After Wave Rider was born,  Magnolia could hardly wait to get her grubby mitts on her little "niece" and dress her up proper. Bruce grumbled about it, but after today....well, little Wave Rider would now rarely be without a cutesy girly outfit. Her dads would often spot adorable baby clothes and snatch them up because they'd just look so PERFECT on their little princess how could they NOT

Wavey's baby album stuffed full of snapshots of her in teeny frilly dresses, little sailor suits, baby hoodies, bunny pajamas, and the like. She eventually grew up into a tomboy athlete, and while Bruce and Stormy support her preference for more practical wear, they still break out those baby pictures ever so often to coo and sniffle over (or just to embarrass teenage Wave when she's being too sassy)

Baby Wavey in cute clothes is Stormy's ultimate weakness, he's definitely gonna cry when Bruce brings her home




Its would be cool to see wavey get embarrass about someone seeing the album lol


Omg this is just adorable!


Aw, little Wavey is adorable! I would love to see her modeling a whole line of fairy-tale princess dress :D


Aww, she looks so precious in her little outfit! Frilly pink skirts and flowery headbands are so adorable. :)


D'awww so cute! Stormy's gonna melt into a sobbing puddle of squee when he sees her :D