It's the first of the month, which means commissions are open for my Platinum Tier Patrons! As a Platimum Patron, you're entitled to one Type 2 Commission (Single Character, Shaded) each and every month! Ordering is super easy, no hassle or fuss. Just shoot me a message here on Patreon with the following info:
-What you want me to draw (Example: "Please draw my character doing _____")
-A visual reference of the character
Unless you request otherwise, your commission will be fully shaded. At the moment, I'm taking MLP Commissions only! Please abide by my rules:
-Please provide a character reference. I can't draw your character if I don't know what they look like.
-I'm not limited to ponies! I can draw griffins, seaponies, dragons, draconequii, manticores, mythical creatures, etc. Don't hesitate to ask about non-pony creatures!
-Anthros are also fine. But for now, I'm holding off on humans.
-I have the right to refuse your commission if I'm not uncomfortable with the requested subject matter (Please don't ask me to do fetish-y stuff, guys.)
-NSFW commissions are not currently available.
-Gore is fine.
Please submit your commission order by September 10. I will respond to your order with a message of confirmation.