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Woof! Comic making sure is a lot of work. Anyway, surprise! Tibbs has a criminal record. Not very surprising, given his past. Despite having served his sentence, he is still presently denied certain civil rights (eg. he’s barred from voting), and his record means many employers will not consider him (even if he had a high school diploma, which he does not).

Tibbs has a lot of anger and shame at his younger self that manifests as defeatism and a fear of risk- a fear that is greatly amplified, given his background of poverty. Even minor risks seem like mountains when you’re poor. A GED (general education diploma) exam costs money, and if you fail it, a retake can cost even more money. Enter Perry, who comes from a financially privileged background, and is thus sometimes better equipped to see the big picture, risk and reward. This doesn’t mean Perry is perfectly suited for this (hmm what’s with that casual classist remark about janitors, Perry? That you or your mother talking?), but he does mean it when he says he wants to help Tibbs. Also, Perry is a middle-school teacher, which means he’s heard every frustrated variation of “I can’t do it” ever. He has gotten very good at encouraging people.


-did Perry’s fat ass gobble down five beignets off screen? You bet

-This is the most Perry has ever heard Tibbs speak in one sitting (so far). Too bad it’s a bummer

-Loves to cook and clean, Tibbs was born to be a house husband but forced to gEt A JoB. Fucking capitalism

Bonus panel:




Marta Tarasiuk

Okay, so the idea that someone would have their civil rights suspended because of such a silly thing as stealing a car seemed so ridiculous to me that I simply had to do some research. I'm from Poland, here stealing a car may land you from 3 months up to 5 years in jail. You may get your civil rights suspended if you go to prison for 3 years and up, so I guess Tibbs qualifies. HOWEVER, in Poland car thieves usually get probation unless they're a repeated offender or this was an act of hooliganism. Do things work differently in the Fuzzbutts universe?Or did Tibbs do a hooliganism?


Not all civil rights, just certain ones. FB takes place in a version of modern America. America sorts crimes into two categories: 1.) misdemeanor- a less serious offense, punishable by up to a year in prison, eg. petty theft, vandalism, trespassing and 2.) felony- a more serious crime punishable by more than a year in prison, eg. grand theft, assault, robbery. Felonies are further categorized by degree, with first degree felonies (eg. murder) being the most serious, and third degree (eg. grand theft auto) being the least. It varies by state, but convicted felons may lose the right to vote, serve on a jury, hold public office, or own a firearm. Many jobs require an applicant disclose any and all criminal history- and reserve the right to refuse employment on those grounds. America, particularly red states, has an extremely punitive approach to crime, with minimal focus on rehabilitation. There is little support offered to ex-convicts, and since many of them inevitably struggle to find work, many go on to re-offend and end up right back in prison. As is, there is little incentive to change this, since many prisons here are for-profit, where inmates are exploited for cheap labor. I'm sure all of this does sound insane to a non-American (don't worry, it's insane to us too!) So yep....Tibbs can't vote. :/


I love them 🥺 young nerdy perry is so cute too 😍


I was wondering why Tibbs looks so different..he got his eyebrows done 😭


Oh no no no, they're still there! Him and Perry just got simplified a bit so I could draw them a bajillion times for this comic without losing my mind. It's also why I didn't render his bristly fur as detailed as I normally do. As I was drawing, I found that leaving out his big brows and scruffy jaw helped him look younger as well, which helped show this scene is set in the past. :3


I’m obsessed with 9th panel Tibbs