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Incoming mini-comic! I’ve decided FB needs way more lil slice-of-life comics to flesh out the characters and their world. This one features dweeby young teacher Perry!




oh, yay! I know comics are a Lot of work to draw but they really are so fun :') the way you tell stories with them is lovely! Excited to see the rest of this one!


Aw thanks! I know I don't do them often but I really love making comics. I dream of being a full time comic artist! But alas, I have a day job, and comic making is SO time-consuming. I've been holding back because I just don't have the time and energy to produce the sort of high-detail long form comics I want to make. So so many ideas just sit in my head gathering dust! Lately I'm making my peace with the fact it's better to have these ideas exist in SOME capacity, rather than not at all. This means the comics will be drawn in a very simple style, but the trade-off is I can give them meatier dialogue and story. :3


You are about to make me squeal with delight with slice-of-life of Perry and Tibbs!