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This episode of Bluey is called Fish and Chips! 😃

In a questionable new episode of Bluey, the Heeler family jets off on a sunny Florida vacation! There they encounter a peculiar new family also on holiday- the Shepherds! Bluey’s quick to make friends with the youngest Shepherd child, Skye, who even shares Bluey’s blue fur! When Bluey starts to feel hungry and homesick, she admits to missing the fish and chips shops back home. But her new pal Skye has just the solution! There’s a whole river full of fish right there at the campground! Working together, (and aided with a bag of potatoes scavenged from a nearby dumpster), the pair will surely impress their families with their very own fish & chips shop!

As an adult I have a strong aversion to touching meat, but as a kid I was taken fishing a lot and would slice up fish guts no problem. I imagine it’s a similar situation for Skye. That fish is dinner to her puppy mind, while Bluey thought of it as Fishigann, their new potential playmate/pet. Skye thinks she’s giving her friend a taste of home, Bluey thinks oh cheese and jam does the skull really crunch like that??? THIS is where fish and chips comes from????




BLUEY FANART LETS GO!! Also Skye omg you’re gonna traumatize the poor girl


came back to this post bc I was still thinking abt it and it's still so funny ghjkjhghjkl. I don't mean to bombarb you w questions, but also I was wondering- does Skye keep her accent at all when she grows up? It might just be bc it's been a while since we saw an adult Skye but I swear she doesn't read as so much aggressively southern as an adult (tho no doubt she'd gut n fry a fish again in a heartbeat to this day so y'know, can't take it out of her even if you tried >:3)


Skye's accent faded a lot when she moved to the big city, especially since she had to suppress it to fit the mold of a professional, well-spoken content creator for a giant online multimedia company. It seeps back out when she's angry though, or excited, or whenever she goes back home to the countryside. Sunny was startled when he travels with Skye to meet her family for the first time and his super-articulate girlfriend abruptly starts talking like Sandy Cheeks. Her accent is always at its strongest around her family.