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Play, including play-fighting, is an important aspect of pack-bonding among canines. Saint and Strawberry are a wee bit more intense about it than other dogs, with both being fiercely competitive. They make bets and dares against each other constantly, and often engage in coin flips, tug of war, checkers, thumb wrestling, leg wrestling, arm wrestling, and plain ol’ regular wrestling to resolve minor disputes (such as whose turn it is to do dishes). They are both THAT parent when it comes to their children’s sports ventures, with lots of yelling/cussing from the stands and arguing with the ref.

They end up passing these behaviors onto their kids, the spirit of competition blazes brightly within every Pawberry pup, even the more subdued Soup and Snowball. The pups mirror their parents by arguing constantly amongst each other, coming up with stupid dares, and of course, wrasslin’. Strawberry is constantly flabbergasted that the children she so carefully raised resort to uncouth behaviors like trying to bludgeon each other to death with whiffle bats (“Where on earth did you learn to act like this?!😱😡”). Saint just thinks it’s funny.

 In her youth, Strawberry spent a lot of time in the ring as an amateur wrestler and won many fights. She has a habit of-ahem- getting a little too aggressive with her trash talk, though she’s mercifully learned to turn it down a teeny tad for her pups. Strawberry hasn’t read very many parenting books, but she’s certain her kids wouldn’t benefit from hearing her call their father a little bitch. She’s very skilled at using her opponents’ weight against them- something Saint is aware of, but can’t ever seem to remember (methinks a certain dog likes a lady who can kick his ass).





Melody Williamson

Wait I just thought of somthing..... most guys that wear hats all the time are balding. Is he....? 😰


Oh no, you've discovered his secret! :O I actually have a doodle of that waiting in my sketchbook- Saint had a luscious rockstar mullet-mane in his youth (part of the reason Strawberry fell for him, ngl), but his fur has been thinning as he gets older. He's not BALD per say, he's covered in fur- he's just lost his bangs and the fur on his dome is thin. Without his cap, he somewhat resembles Merry.


Wait I forgot Saint is literally dead in fuzzbutts that's so sad


No worries, the kids are only about 6 or 7 years old here. They've got a couple years left with dad before he dies