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*Shania Twain soundtrack intensifies*

Lulu takes Mona swing-dancing for their first date! Whoever could’ve guessed a hog could be so light on her hooves? Why, Mona hasn’t had so much fun in ages!




That's a great drawing! But I gotta random question, does Mona randomly headbutt the shit out of people for little reason? Please say yes 🙏


Mona would never headbutt somebody that didn't completely deserve it, but that's only because she's grown up and sensible. As a child Mona absolutely ran around headbutting anything and everything, it's pretty standard for babie goats and sheep. Rocks, children, people's ankles- nothing was safe from Mighty Mona- at least until her mother tied a couch cushion to her head. :(


I LOVE THEM. that is all