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I meant to expand more on Honey and Jude’s relationship on that post I did of them as pups, but I needed to fiddle with Jude’s design a bit first. Bigger! Badder! Butchier! It’s the dreaded she-wolf, here to rock you like a hurricane! 😱

Anyway, Honey was next door neighbors with the Fletcher family growing up, which means she was quite familiar with the Fletcher kids. Sunny, Cass….and Jude. Honey likes Jude. She never minded that Jude was a gruff tough pup that liked to play rough, in fact young Honey quite liked roughhousing with the she-wolf! (Honey’s mom Maple could only look on in horror at her daughter coming home with muddied dresses, skinned knees, and a megawatt grin). As Honey gets older she feels a peculiar draw to Jude that she doesn’t entirely understand- when Sunny is gross and covered in mud, it makes Honey’s lip curl. But when Judith is practicing the guitar too loud or messily eating a slice of pizza or heaven forbid-peeling off her sweaty tank top, it makes Honey feel flustery and warm and kind of like she’s about to faint. Jude has the loudest laugh and the most unladylike jokes and the occasional hugs that make Honey feel SO safe. Honey is a good girl that normally needs her parent’s beliefs, but they better not DARE speak an ill word about Judith. Jude is NOT “too masculine”, and she is NOT “too savage”, and if Honey has to hear another word she’ll….she’ll bark, is what she’ll do! >:( Yip yap yip yap yip!!!

Of course, this is all very normal, a very normal way to feel about her neighbor. Just gals bein’ pals! It’s not a crush, because Honey’s not like that. Even….even if Jude is. Honey’s a good girl. A very, very good girl. Honey doesn’t mind that Jude is gay, she’s not nearly as old-fashioned as her parents! So long as Judy doesn’t hit on her, haha. Because Honey is a good girl.

Although, now that you mention it, Honey might be just a teeny bit curious….




I hope next time Honey comes out she’s carrying a tray of lemon bars and Jude accidentally sprays her and the bars with the hose. Tragic

blackjack .

repressed lesbian save me repressed lesbian....honey is so compelling i love her and her numerous crushes