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I've decided to make a few changes to the poll system.

  • We keep the main poll accessible to everyone from Tier1 to Tier5
  • If you are in Tier4 or Tier5 you can still make one suggestion every month for the next poll as per usual
  • Exclusive poll for Tier3+ is removed
  • Tier3+ will have exclusive access to any additional short polls I will be creating if I am hesitating between several characters for an artwork. These polls will be occasional.

If you're curious to know why I make these changes it's very simple: I'd like to have a bit more flexiblity over who I can to draw. Too many times I see a new trendy character I want to draw but can't because there is other characters I have to draw.

In the end it doesn't change a lot for you guys. Still I hope you'll be okay with it



Chiming in late due to a hectic schedule... this is a good decision, Zaphn, hell it's the kind of thing I would suggest to any artist. If you feel strapped to a demand, you could lose your passion, then we all lose. Follow that passion, we are along for the ride, we're here because we love your work!