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Here's Yelan!

It was really fun to be working on this artwork! The lighting isn't exactly what I had planned. I wanted the light to be more gradually fading away instead of having a "hard" shadow like that but it was much easier to make it like this and it still looks close enough to the mood I wanted!

I really like this outfit, I wonder if I could re-use it in the future for other girls!

I made a speedpaint video for this one. As per usual it'll be available at Tier10+ in February pack :)

I hope you'll like her!

Thank you for your support!

7 NSFW variants, Speedpaint Video, PSD File, High res in February 2023 Rewards Pack.
Will be available to download during the month of March

Bikini and nude Variants:

Get your rewards here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/february-2023-79472092
