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Here's the finished version of Karin!

I had to deal with some IRL stuff so I am a day late on that one. It really wasn't a good time to get late because February is already such a short month. To be perfectly honest I doubt we'll get 6 artworks this month since we only got 28 days.

That being said it was fun working on Karin again! She's one of those characters we see a lot around and so they never really get out of our heads. At least it's the case for me. My artworks of Karin have never been really succesful but I really like her character design so I'll keep trying to make her look beautiful~
I hope you'll like this new fanart of her!

I made a Step by Step process for this picture by the way! Will be available for Tier10+ in February pack.

Thank you for your support!

7 NSFW variants, Step by Step, PSD File, High res in February 2023 Rewards Pack.
Will be available to download during the month of March

Sleepwear and Nude variants:

Get your rewards here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/february-2023-79472092
