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Here's our waifu of the month: Sara !

I hesitate about keeping her mask. It's such an important part of her design, it makes her so recognizable, but without it the illustration has a much more cozy and everyday-day-like atmosphere. I am showing both versions so you can see what I am talking about and in the case I don't keep her mask at least I won't have sketched it for nothing ... (it took some time lol)

It's been a while since I drew some sleepwear. This time I decided to go for a more usual look with shorts and a proper tank top. I am not too sure about keeping the glasses too for the final version

I hope you'll like her !

Thank you for your support !




Glasses Sara is too precious 💜


The glasses are really cute. You don't see art with them as much any more. I would definitely vote to keep them in.


I think glasses are cute too. At the very least I will make variants with the glasses, I just don't know if *the* final version (the one I will be posting publicly) will have them or not


Aaaa I love her hair and pose so much already ❤️


Thank you ! I struggled so much to draw the pose, it's very hard to draw very big booba from that angle lol I never studied anatomy so whenever I try something new, it gets difficult really fast