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Here's our last illustration of the year: Ningguang wearing some cute lingerie !

Lingerie is always a difficult theme . My lingerie illustrations never had a lot of success and lingerie takes a LOT of time and patience to make. To put it simply, "strategically" it's not a good decision and making a simple bikini illustration would be smarter. 

However, lingerie is so pretty and I want to see waifus wearing lingerie lol.
So yeah, I decided to dive into this illustration. As you can see I decided to put a lot of details on her bra; I have no idea if I'll manage to make it look good. In worst case scenario, I will remove some details.

Thank you for your support !




Fuck yes, you always do great work :)

CJ Sailey

Great work. As a new subscriber, absolutely love your work. Want to go back a pick up a couple of your past sets. Any months you'd recommend or love more then others?

Marco Brüdigam

I love you ❤ But I really, thank you for spending the time for lingerie as I prefer that over bikinis personally


Thank you ! Glad you like my work Oh, that is a difficult question to answer, it's always difficult to juge my own artworks. I'd say the more recent the pack is the higher is the quality so July-August-Sept (2021) would be the bests But I think it'd be just easier to just pick the pack that has the most artworks you like Sorry if I wasn't of much help lol Just in case, you can see all the older packs here: https://app.gumroad.com/zaphn?sort=newest

CJ Sailey

All good :) Thanks for responding. Guess I'll just have to eventually them all!


I hope I will find the patience to draw more of it in the future lol


Glad you like my work that much ! I hope you'll like the packs you'll get