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here's the WIP of our fifth illustration of August and long-time promised girl: Agir !

Her hair was such a mess to make, I don't know how I managed to sketch that lol. It's going to take some time to ink and to color

I really like her face, I love eyes with this kind of thin pupil like felines. 

Her outfit design might change just a little bit here and there, I'll see when sketching if I feel like adding some more details or not.

I do not plan on making a BG though, but if inspiration comes ... who knows.

I hope you'll like her

Thank you for your support !




So nice, hope see her in bikini too, soon


This looks really great! 😍


She looks amazing


Thanks Well, if I ever draw her in bikini I can tell you it's not going to be soon


That hair is looking gorgeous 💖


Great drawing but one comment, shouldnt her breasts be slightly bigger? I feel Agir has the biggest breasts of all the Iron Blood characters.


Thank you ! I did the lineart yestruday, it took so long lol. I also used a different brush so it didn't help with making it fast


They're perfectly the size I wanted them to be so, no, I don't think they should be bigger I did consider making them bigger but it wasn't to my taste, so I kept them smaller this way And about her having the biggest among the IB girls, I'm not sure about that, FDG is still bigger I think