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I've been thinking a lot about things I could make and add to the rewards and I've come up with this list of things.

/!\ I am not saying any of this will be coming soon or ever. /!\

I have a lot of things to take into account, these are just ideas for now. I also have no idea how I would integrate them to the rewards (new tier, add this to current tiers, ... ?)

Thank you for taking the time to read and answer :)



Im mostly a fan of nude pinups personally, cause then they can be displayed tastefully


This is what I prefer too and this is still going to be what I draw the most. It's just that adding different things is nice sometimes


Definitely a fan of the lewder pose idea!


I like the pinups, I just want to see some with some ass shots, and hopefully some girl-girl stuff if possible.

zero nep

i don't remember seeing art of your oc's before but, it has me curious none the less


That's because I never made art of my OCs, I actually don't have any OC yet but I'd like to make some in the future

zero nep

well that makes sense then looking forward to it then , maybe the first could be "vote every option you like" girl 9votes lol


I would have voted everything on the list but that wouldn't be helpful, lol. So instead I voted what I find more interesting for me; OCs and black and white lewds. You know what I think of OCs, and I love B&W style so that's a no brainer for me. The other stuff is a ABSOLUTELY YES but I have a preference over what I said 👌


I see Zaphn, i upvote


You could vote for everything, it doesn't matter. I am not going to pick the option that gets the more votes, the idea is more to see how many people each option gathers, just to know the general level of interest. As I said, these are all just thoughts for now. I'm glad the OC option has so many votes, it's surprising considering my OCs don't exist yet. As for the B&W, I got the idea yesturday which made me want to create this survey. I pledged to the fanbox of Ohisashiburi, one of my favorite artists, and they do this and I think it's pretty nice. As someone who doesn't want (yet?) to make complete H illustrations, doing a clean sketch here and there of an idea would be a nice compromise, and it'd be a nice way to practice anatomy. But I'm very slow when it comes to sketching so I'm afraid it'd take too much time and would end up lowering the amount of complete illustrations I make every month. I really don't want to go lower than 6


I wish I could do 6 really >< Why everything takes so much? Whatever you decide would be fine by me. I'll be lurking on the shadows 👀