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Here's the WIP of our next illustration: Rosaria in very lewd lingerie ~~ Basically, the whole idea of this piece is "Is a nun even allowed to be this lewd ?", so I kinda decided to make this as lewd as possible lol

I really like Rosaria, she has an amazing and unique design and I'm having so much fun painting her. I still have many ideas for her so you will see her again in the future !

As you can see, I tried something a bit different for the sketch. I added this grey tones to help differenciate things more clearly, it helps understanding the sketch a little bit more.
I don't know if I will keep this light source, it's something I made quickly. I like it though

Thank you for your support !



Madam Kistulot

Love the pearl thong detail! :)


Eheh, glad you like it When I was looking for ideas for the lingerie she should wear, that type of panties was everywhere, and it's kind of a trend among ero-model japanese girls, yet I don't recall seeing illustrations with a girl wearing one ... So I figured it'd be nice to use something we don't see much :]


I'm loving that lingerie design 🥰 specially the top part. That new way of presenting sketch looks very nice, I like it


Yeah ... doing my best to mix lingerie and maximum visible skin lmao. Who knows, maybe that type of lingerie will become my "signature" ┐(︶▽︶)┌ I don't know if I will keep presenting sketches like this everytime, it's just that this specific sketch without the grey tones was really difficult to read so I kinda didn't have a choice. However, it's really useful to decide about the light so I might do it everytime. Idk :p