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Here's the WIP of the fifth illustration of March : Keqing summer themed.

Keqing's design doesn't have the mature-looking side that most of the characters I draw have, so I decided to be more reasonnable this time and give her a more normal-looking body. It was a lot harder than anticipated though, I'm so used to drawing thicc girls lol

At first I didn't like this piece. She was supposed to just but sitting on the beach, it wasn't interesting at all.
However, I randomly starting drawing a pool float under her, and I immediately started liking it ! I made a few adjustments to her arms what hands and now we have this

I hope you'll like it !

Thank you for your support !




I love that you’re finally experimenting with smaller chests! I was wondering if you were going to do her diamond shaped pupils like she has in game? It’s a small detail so you might’ve not noticed it but I’m sure Keqing fans would appreciate it :)


Yeah, I'd like to try to be more faithful to the original anatomy of the characters I draw. I don't know if I'll be able to always be reasonnable about that but I'll try to at least. I might not be able to contain my love for thicc waifus xD I actually noticed that detail at the very end when I was closing the references I used for her design. Since I had already closed CSP, I was too lazy to restart it just to edit her eyes lol


The pose and POV look really great!