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Our next illustration features Musashi in her summer outfit !
I picked her 4th stage (I changed a few details though). We mostly see her 2nd stage and I've already drawn the 3rd stage when she came out so I picked between the 2 others and ended up with the 4th.

She's a character I adore, I always put her in my FGO polls but she always loses lol
One of you guys actually suggested her (here : Suggestions) so I decided to pick her

Thank you for your support




As someone who suggested Musashi in that form and also has her as one of my fav FGO girls, this is very pleasing to me lol. Really liking the WIP so far!


Nice, you might get luckier in the future because a lot of the girls you suggested are pretty high on my to-draw list lol And I'm surely going to draw Musashi many times in the future again, I love her Glad you like the WIP !