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Hi! My fellows Patrons, BNA here! Thank you for the support all along! Today I have some news update about my Patreon’s policy and my Gumroad store.

I thought about it for a couple month and finally it’s time for changes. Here’s what about to change

1. My Gumroad store will be closed in2022.

In 2019, I have launched my Gumroad store to sell my old rewards to a people who doesn’t subscribe my Patreon in the past. But now, the amount of rewards is increasing month by month. New follower has to spend more money to access all of my rewards.

So, I have come to a conclusion to close it on 1st January 2022. All files will be still here for the customer who already bought it can download in the future, but no one can’t buy it anymore I will set the limit product sell to zero

2. What about old rewards? Where can I access them when they’re not sell on Gumroad?

Old rewards from 2019 to present (and from now on) will be place in my Patreon new tier, “Beyond tier” I still have not think about the price yet, maybe 20-30$?? You can comment!

This tier is the place where the supporter can access all the old work that I posted on my Patreon timeline (also a new reward for that month too!)

All the Rewards will be uploaded into MediaFire (Sorry for someone who want me to use other platform but Mediafire has been providing me the most storage ;-; ) The rewards will be ordered in years (2019, 2020 and 2021)

***Note The 2019, 2020 and 2021 reward from January to May won’t have a RAW PSD, SAI or Clip studio file. I’m sorry for the one who want it but to save them on the MediaFire cloud service, I must cut it out T_T

3. Patreon payment will change to “Charge upfront”

From what I have mentioned, all the old rewards will be placed on my Patreon timeline (as a Mediafire link). That mean any new Patrons who start to subscribe my page can immediately access the old reward post without getting charged yet.

So I have to change my Patreon payment from “Charge monthly” into “Charge upfront” Any new Patrons who want to subscribe have to pay before get to access to the exclusive content.

For Patron who already subscribe and still active, nothing will bechanged for you. You’ll be charged in the first date of the month as always.

For new or former Patron who want to subscribe or re-subscribe, once you click subscribe, you’ll be immediately charged, and all of next payment will be at the first date of the month.

For Patron who want to upgrade the tier after I changed to charge upfront. Once you are upgraded, you’ll be charged for the difference between your previous and new tier amounts. Then on the first of the month (and every first) you’ll be charged the full amounts of your tier.

4. New Rewards will be post on Patreon timeline.

From 2022, all of the new reward will be post on Patreon timeline in finished product. Not send in the Message anymore. And the new reward will stay on Normal/Advance and Beyond tier till the end of the month. And then, go to the Beyond tier only (Assume as old rewards).

I will try to not to post the reward very near to the end of the month, so you guys have time to download it. If anyone missed the rewards of that month but already have been charged, you can send the message into my DM, show the bill and I’ll send you the reward you reserve!

That’s all the changes! If there’re any question, feel free to ask me in the comment! And If there're any update, I'll tell ya!

Thank you!

Love and stay safe





NOTE** In Beyond tier, you can access new reward like Advance tier, also with the old rewards as an exclusive content


As long we get access to all advanced stuff from older content [aka nothing missing as if you normally to buy the pack]. Then, this is a better change <3

Makani Wolfhandle

Now I need to double check everything if I am up to date, haven't been organizing my laptop lately due to work

Solitary Hyena

Fine change, as long as we have access to the content im fine with that.


I think 25$ would be a good price point. Since it will usually end up being a one time purchase for people to get all the old rewards


Will that include all the old rewards?