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First, a thanks to everyone who participated in the poll that decided what Amy and Chloe would do this chapter (and the next)! The results were very close so this chapter will include some content that should satisfy those who were hoping for the runner-up result, while chapter 7 will focus more on the winning poll result.

Previous chapter.

… 6: Interrogation …

Amy had been quite proud of herself for decisively putting an end to Chloe’s mischief. She knew Chloe would try to bend or break the “no squishing John” rule at every turn, the same way John would be ogling Chloe every chance he got, but Amy was confident she could keep the two of them in line. She’d just have to be extra vigilant!

Unfortunately, what Amy saw as vigilance was in reality simple naive confidence. The instant that Chloe’s hands were no longer actively rubbing and groping at John’s body, Amy assumed that the issue of her friends’ behavior had been resolved and turned her attention towards more pressing matters: “Enough messing around, you two! Let’s go start the movie!”

John could do nothing but watch from within the inescapable confines of Chloe’s skimpy jacket as his only hope of rescue turned and sauntered towards the television, enormous popcorn bowl in hand. Was that stupid movie really Amy’s top priority, right now!? John hoped that his embarrassing plight wouldn’t slip her mind entirely, but as his curvaceous friend plopped onto the couch his optimism began to fade.

Once it became clear that John would be all hers for a little while longer, Chloe decided to make the most of it by whispering coyly, “It’s really too bad Amy doesn’t want me finishing what I started earlier…” Chloe sensually cupped John against her own breast, smiling at the thought that such a light squeeze from her would be felt as an all-encompassing pressure for him, “... because I was looking forward to seeing such a little man make a big, sticky mess all over my top.” It was obvious that Chloe was deriving sadistic pleasure from all this, but John still felt his heart pounding harder than ever at the abrupt admission of lust. Chloe purred, “Maybe if you’re really lucky, I’ll find somewhere else for you to finish, when Amy’s not looking.” Before John could look forward to that, he began to bounce vigorously within his prison as his captor ambled casually across the room. His personal earthquake only subsided when Chloe came to a stop next to Amy, and looked incredulously down at the only remaining place to sit. “Uh, Amy…”

John saw the problem: the “couch” in question was more like a loveseat, and Amy’s very ample figure had already taken up most of the available space. While the vacant square of cushion was absolutely palatial by John’s standards, it didn’t take a genius to see that such a small area would be a tight squeeze even for Chloe’s “petite” yet rather bottom-heavy figure. Chloe wondered aloud, “Is there enough room for me?”

Her!? John squirmed in an attempt to remind everyone that he still expected a real seat as well, but his feeble wobbling went unnoticed.

Amy, unaccustomed to sharing space with anyone bigger than a single cherry, looked at the couch thoughtfully, “Hmm, well, John and I always managed to fit on here...”

Through the cloth of Chloe’s top, John got to watch Amy’s expression visibly change as she noticed his absence from the couch and finally remembered his whereabouts. Fortunately, Amy only had to glance up to find John’s wobbling, bulging prison conveniently located right at eye-level for her. “Oh right, speaking of which... We should probably, like, pull John out so he can see the movie, and junk.” At first John was elated by Amy’s (long overdue) suggestion, but then he worried: How would she react to finding him naked in her friend’s top? Especially with her dedication to all the stupid rules of the “truce” and Chloe’s accusations that he’d been misbehaving during the tour?

But Chloe was still eager to be a thorn in his side, “Ooor we could leave him right where he is, so we aren’t all cramping the couch! I’m sure he can see just fine in there, right John?” Chloe even bounced happily on her feet, as if hoping to drown out his cries of disagreement before Amy caught on.

Thankfully, Amy took John’s side for a change, and reached out to pluck him free, “Nice try, Chlo, but you’ve had your fun.”

After a claustrophobic eternity spent trapped within Chloe’s titty-prison, John let out a weary sigh as he emerged into fresh air. Now hanging by the arms from Amy’s fingers, it took a moment for him to adjust to the blinding light, but he was very embarrassed to find that he had no way of preventing his manhood from pointing stiffly towards his very big, very buxom friend as she brought him up to her face for examination. Freed from the restrictive confines of Chloe’s pocket, John’s naked body was now on full display, and he could already see both girls smiling and looking him appreciatively up and down. His only consolation was that this definitely wasn’t the first time Amy had seen him nude; if anything, she was all too familiar with finding him after his clothing had been casually destroyed by some clumsy giantess… if only because she frequently was that clumsy giantess. John had once estimated that she alone accounted for nearly half of his “wardrobe replacement” budget, due to her remarkable talent for accidentally obliterating entire outfits with a single misplaced footstep or over-enthusiastic hug.

Thus Amy was happy to dangle her little buddy directly in front of her beautiful face, giving no indication that his blatant nudity (or equally blatant embarrassment) was of any immediate concern for her. She even held him close enough to feel the warmth of her breath as she greeted him fondly, “Well hello there, Romeo! Long time no see!”

While John was initially glad that his gigantic friend hadn’t seemed the least bit bothered by his unexplained lack of clothing, there was a very real downside to her casual attitude. No matter the gravity of the situation, once Amy detected even the slightest hint of arousal or indecency from a tiny person, it always became utterly impossible for her to take them seriously any more. This dismissive behavior was a recurring issue for him, since any sign of sexual desire (no matter how minor or unintended it was) only served to rapidly undermine his ability to get her attention when he needed it most. Even now he could see her focus drifting towards his crotch, as a flippant smile formed on her lips, “You know John, for someone who promised not to do anything ungentlemanly tonight, it sure looks an awful lot like I just caught you streaking in front of our houseguest, heehee!” Even Chloe snickered at that, only adding to John’s embarrassment.

Despite his aching head (and crotch), John managed a stern reply, “If you want to blame someone for me ‘streaking’, try the girl who used me as human bra padding.”

Chloe interrupted, “Oh puh-leez. I don’t remember hearing any complaints after you begged to ride in my pocket.” Begged to!? He’d been forced!

Amy tried to suppress her amusement, “Really, John? Hitting on Chloe already?” Amy disapprovingly crossed an arm beneath her chest, unintentionally wobbling her vast bosom right in front of the little man she was trying to reprimand. Nevertheless she held John aloft, perfectly content to question him while his boner continued to wave around right in her face, “Care to explain yourself?” While Amy might have been more understanding than most women when it came to an unexpected lack of clothes, she wasn’t about to let him get away with harassing Chloe!

The tiny man took a deep breath and tried desperately not to glance downwards (where two gigantic breasts were still jiggling beautifully) before mimicking Amy’s earlier sarcasm, “I was not hitting on her. Remember fifteen minutes ago how you two decided what movie to watch by using me for a coin toss, except neither of you caught me?”

“I thought Chloe caught you???”

“If letting me fall into her cleavage counts as catching me, sure.”

Amy skipped over the humiliating implications of John’s landing spot, “But you still had clothes then, didn’t you?”

John glared accusingly over his shoulder at Chloe, who continued to leer overhead, “For all of five seconds. They came off when Little Miss Napoleon Complex over there stuffed me into her pocket so she could snoop around my place!”

Chloe batted her dark eyes in an insulting charade of innocence, “Me??? I went through your stuff just to find you a spare pair of pants! I only left you in my pocket while I looked around because, let’s face it, you seemed to be enjoying yourself so much.” John was stunned silent by the audacity of her lie, as the big tease planted her hands on her hips and grinned suggestively down at him, “But, since we’re discussing everyone’s behavior tonight… Your little boner is technically breaking the rules of the truce, and I think it’s only fair that one of us gets to squish you.” Chloe pointedly glanced downwards and smirked at the undeniably proof of John’s lingering erection.

Amy glanced doubtfully at her little friend’s cock as it hung mere inches from her face, “Sooo… you weren’t flirting with Chloe?”

How was she not getting this!? John shouted emphatically, “NO, I WASN’T!” God forbid Amy get it into her head that he had a crush on her (admittedly smoking hot) friend.

Chloe snickered loudly, “If you say so, teeny.”

Amy briefly considered the evidence: despite his objections John was obviously aroused, and Chloe sounded pretty convincing! It wasn’t much to go on, but Amy had always thought that justice should be swift and came to a quick (if very poorly informed) conclusion, “Well I guess he must be guilty... Don’t worry Chlo, I’ll handle it!” While Amy certainly didn’t enjoy the prospect of crushing her mini-companion, someone had to uphold the sanctity of the movie night truce! Taking the matter of discipline into her own hands, Amy raised her thumb and index finger up to either side of John’s suspended body and carefully moved them together.

Before her massive digits closed around his dangling body, John used his final moments of liberty to squirm in useless opposition to Amy’s idiotic verdict, “Oh come on! You really believe that phony story!?”

But Amy had already made up her mind, “Sorry John, but rules are rules!” Then the enormous redhead’s soft fingers snapped together, pancaking John’s naked body in an instant. Amy watched John’s limbs spasm uselessly with just the slightest feeling of guilt, but she knew he was durable enough to withstand anything she put him through… so with a shrug she administered some well deserved “““justice””” by squeezing her much smaller friend between her fingertips.

*squish-squash-squiiish!* It only took seconds for Amy to reduce John’s body to little more than a sentient wad of pink gum. At first she had only planned on squishing her little friend enough to deter him from breaking any more rules, but she hesitated when felt something hard still poking against her soft fingertip. Mistaking that nearly imperceptible jab for a deliberate act of defiance, Amy methodically increased the pressure on that exact spot, now determined to flatten the tiny troublemaker into paste for his crimes… Unbeknownst to Amy, John’s entire body had already been flattened to the point of incapacitation, and now all she was doing was accidentally pulverizing his sensitive genitals as well.

As happened so very often for people of his diminutive size, John was receiving a very bitter reminder that no matter how innocent he might have really been, any little disagreement or misunderstanding could get him squashed flat… all it took was a young woman as naive as Amy or naughty as Chloe to make it happen. But his desperate attempts to explain the situation became incomprehensibly muffled groans, which both girls happily ignored.

Amy continued pinching and rolling John’s body like a pebble between her fingers as she turned to Chloe with an appeasing smile, “You can decide when he’s been forgiven, since he broke your rules. Just say when!” John’s thoughts turned sour, How was that fair!?

As expected, Chloe was in no hurry to stop their mutually oblivious friend from crushing her tiny rival senseless. With great pleasure she used her newfound authority just to prolong John’s frustration by muttering vaguely, “Alright, keep going... Just a little more... Aaalllmost done..” Obviously, she had zero interest in achieving anything resembling justice, but Amy was none the wiser. The worst part was that as time went on, John could feel the backside of his body adhering to Amy’s skin, but he couldn’t do anything to prevent that while he was in the middle of being bulldozed by Amy’s digit.

Only after waiting far longer than was reasonable did Chloe speak up, “Okay, lemme see the little scoundrel.”

Amy compliantly held her micro friend out on the tip of her finger for further judgement, allowing Chloe to marvel at his pitifully reduced condition: John was now plastered securely over Amy’s fingertip, his limbs bent backwards so that his hips were “thrust” awkwardly forwards, putting his erection on full display for both girls. It was a less than dignified pose, to say the least. Even Amy, who normally tried her best not to laugh at tiny people’s misfortune, had to stifle a giggle as John’s cock twitched stubbornly but uselessly in the air (now pointing in Chloe’s direction), “Heh- *ahem*, alright Chloe… is that enough?”

For a second Chloe considered showing some leniency, but then she gave John’s lower body a playful look that made the little man anxious. His endurance thus far had been impressive, but Chloe really wanted to see just how much more teasing and crushing he could take... How could she possibly pass up such a perfect opportunity to mess with him?

Chloe’s voice was dripping with mischievous intent as she revealed her decision, “Hmm, okay, we’re even…” John’s sigh of relief caught in his throat as Chloe continued: “After I get an apology hug!”

Next chapter. 


squishme (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-06 05:50:23 Thanks for the patience everyone, I hope you all like the chapter! As mentioned earlier, Chapter 7 will include a bunch of content that was originally going to be part of chapter 6, but I decided to separate it and post the above chapter now instead of waiting for EVERYTHING to be done in one huge mega post. Chapter 7 just needs a little more work but I'm hoping to post it within the next week, so check back soon :) As always, I'm open to feedback and comments from my readers, especially from the $5 and $10 patrons who took part in the last poll!
2021-11-01 00:15:56 Thanks for the patience everyone, I hope you all like the chapter! As mentioned earlier, Chapter 7 will include a bunch of content that was originally going to be part of chapter 6, but I decided to separate it and post the above chapter now instead of waiting for EVERYTHING to be done in one huge mega post. Chapter 7 just needs a little more work but I'm hoping to post it within the next week or two, so check back soon :) As always, I'm open to feedback and comments from my readers, especially from the $5 and $10 patrons who took part in the last poll!

Thanks for the patience everyone, I hope you all like the chapter! As mentioned earlier, Chapter 7 will include a bunch of content that was originally going to be part of chapter 6, but I decided to separate it and post the above chapter now instead of waiting for EVERYTHING to be done in one huge mega post. Chapter 7 just needs a little more work but I'm hoping to post it within the next week or two, so check back soon :) As always, I'm open to feedback and comments from my readers, especially from the $5 and $10 patrons who took part in the last poll!


Edits: in preparation for the next chapter I made some semi-significant dialogue changes, polished a few sentences, and fixed some spelling errors.