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Hey everyone!
Here's a progress report: after some bad writer's block, I scrapped a half-written chapter that I felt was of lower quality than my previous writing. HOWEVER I've been hard at work on a second attempt at the upcoming chapter to Movie Night and I'm very happy with how things are shaping up.

The winner of the previous Content Poll was: John is freed but barely survives as Amy investigates his nudity, only to be sat on as the girls discuss seating arrangements. The next chapter will focus on the first half of this premise, and will feature lots of general sizeplay and teasing between John and the girls, John enduring some undeserved punishment as Amy subjects him to plenty of handplay, more character development (including a new side of Chloe), and we're building towards some very gratuitous buttcrush (both aware and unaware) in the next-next chapter. I'm also going to release some minor updates / improvements to previous chapters at the same time.

As always I appreciate everyone's patience, and I hope that you will all enjoy what's coming next.



I did a wordcount and Chapter 6 is currently over 3k words, making it significantly longer than either of the last two chapters. Expect a LOT of crushing and teasing in this one.

andrew duda

Any idea when it will be released


Andrew: given my terrible track record of setting release dates, it's probably better I don't promise anything. Obviously I'd like it to be as soon as possible, without sacrificing quality.