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(Warning: contains small amounts of anal insertion type stuff)

Waking up

Beeeep-beeeep-beeeep-beeeep! John’s alarm buzzed sharply from his wristwatch, cutting through his sleep like a knife. He sat up, groggily rubbing at his eyes: he had a headache, his clothes were disheveled, he still tasted alcohol on his breath… oh right, the party. He’d been invited to the sorority girl’s big weekend house party last night, and since it was a mixed-size event the term “big” had been quite literal. After consuming what seemed like swimming-pools worth of booze, the various giantesses had gotten rather rowdy and “playful.” John could vaguely recall being made out with (or, rather, sucked on like a lollipop) by some affectionate brunette last night, but the rest of his memories were foggy. Glancing around, John realized he was sitting on a leather couch cushion faaar bigger than he, with a another tiny or two lying here or there in the distance. After noticing another inch-tall young woman across from him pulling her shirt back on (and giving her an appreciative glance), John suddenly remembered his important plans for the day: shit, that’s why he’d set the alarm! He still had to get home, shower, grab breakfast if he had time, and... John’s thoughts were interrupted as a gigantic form next to him, which he’d first tiredly assumed to be the backing of the couch, began to shift. A girlish voice yawned from above as the unfathomably massive form (which John was now realizing to be a denim-clad mountain of ass) slowly tilted overhead, descending like a mile-high tsunami of feminine backside. Apparently his alarm clock had awoken someone besides just himself, and someone far bigger. As he gaped up in awe John noticed the faint shape of a person about his size outlined in the huge girl’s back pocket, protruding against one otherwise flawlessly rounded and wobbling buttock. John also watched the tiny-sized young woman he had spotted earlier disappear instantaneously with only a surprised yelp, flattened as if she was nothing at all to the much larger girl, and it looked like he was going to be next. As the slumbering giantess pulverized everything and everyone in her path, John made a mental note to turn down the volume on his alarm clock for next time...


Stacy rolled over with a girlish yawn, compressing the leather cushion (and several people) beneath the weight of her broad jiggling hips as she sat up. There was a faint muffled shout or two from beneath her, but Stacy was too busy stretching and wondering how her hair looked to care. For anyone else in the room, Stacy was a sight to behold: young, shapely, and wearing a button up shirt that was very tight, a little see-through, and just undone enough to reveal so much of her frilly black bra that she might have been less provocative had she worn no shirt at all. A small gold necklace disappeared into her deep cleavage, the gold nearly matching the flowing blonde hair that hung down past her shoulders. Not wanting to get up just yet, Stacy looked herself over before complaining, “Ugh, my shoes are missing...” She’d said that to nobody in particular, but they had been expensive shoes, and she was at least going to make her discomfort known to anyone within earshot (especially whoever she was beginning to realize she was definitely sitting on). When her missing shoes didn’t magically appear out of thin air Stacy sighed melodramatically and observed the room: there were a couple couches and sofa-chairs arrayed around, a large flatscreen in one corner… and sleeping sorority girls lying all over the place. A particularly plump latina girl was lying on a couch under a handwritten sign labeled “tiny sleeping area, big girls stay off!” and as she shifted onto her side, even from afar Stacy could see dozens of little men and women that had been left flattened like living stickers all over her jiggly body. Another girl had already woken up and was groggily shuffling towards the kitchen, her bare feet smashing anyone who happened to be in her way.

With nothing else interesting going on Stacy decided to wake up her twin sister, who was still sprawled drunkenly upon the other half of the L-shaped couch they had slept on last night.

The two sisters were physically identical: both had sandy blonde hair, flawless skin, spectacular “assets” (which they were both keenly aware of, though in Stacy’s opinion her tits were just a bit bigger). And, of course, they were so breath-takingly gorgeous that inch-high men practically threw themselves at their feet (at least that’s what Stacy smugly thought to herself whenever she stepped on a few of them). Whereas Stacy had worn a button-up shirt and jeans, Sophie had opted for a different but no-less-provocative choice: a form-fitting blue dress was stretched dangerously tight around her curves, with no underwear to speak of. The fabric ended well above Sophie’s shapely legs, hugging her firm round backside snugly, and a strategically placed opening in the top exposed a great deal of underboob to anyone who happened to be beneath her (which at a mixed-size party was going to be almost everyone, a fact that Sophie had specifically accounted for when picking out her attire).

For the moment Sophie was reclined comfortably on the expensive sofa, her gigantic chest rising and falling gently with her breath. The sofa cushion hissed as Stacy leaned towards her sister, and she started to smirk when she noticed a handful of human-shaped bumps haphazardly positioned across the otherwise perfectly round curvature of Sophie’s plump breasts. The only sign of the little men’s existence at all were the faint indentations they made in the constricting, slutty dress Sophie had chosen to wear. Stacy couldn’t resist pulling her phone out and taking a quick picture, making sure to get her sister’s humongous chest in frame before hashtagging it “#sleepingbeauty” and sending it to a few friends.

With all the care of a loving sister, Stacy shook Sophie’s shoulder hard enough to make all the little trapped people wobble around, “Hey stupid, wake up.”

As her huge chest sloshed from side to side within the confines of her top, Sophie blinked her eyes open and immediately shut them with a whine, “Ugh, it’s so briiight!” 

Stacy rolled her eyes, “Yeah, that’s what happens in the morning, when the sun comes up.”

Sophie didn’t bother to retort: she could already feel a migraine coming on... how much did she drink last night? She couldn’t remember: the whole house party was a blur in her mind. Sophie rolled onto one side, letting her chest plop heavily onto the couch with a bounce as she whined again, “Mmgh… my head is pounding.” When nobody immediately offered sympathy (excluding the nearly-inaudible voices coming from within her top), Sophie sat up and stretched her arms out with a girlish squeak of exertion.

Stacy had been watching Sophie’s chest bulge and shake within the tautly supportive dress, and couldn’t help but comment on all the little wobbling figures, “Have you ever woken up without someone stuck to your fat tits, Sophie?”

Sophie paused mid-stretch, “Huh?” before looking down and spotting what her sister was talking about. Rather than answer her Stacy’s question Sophie laughed and gave puffed her wobbling chest out further, “Haha! Well good morning, my little booby decorations!” It was just too funny that they’d all spent the night smooshed flat against her curvy body, now probably covered in boob sweat, all because she hadn’t bothered to free them before passing out. All her jiggling around had probably woken them up, if they had even gotten any sleep that night. Really, their appearance was just the thing to brighten her morning! Talking about them like they weren’t even there, Sophie commented to her sister, “These guys are just, like, so easy to squish!”

Stacy smirked, “I’m surprised they didn’t squirm free in the night.” Sophie gently waggled her chest as she finished stretching, smiling at the thought that all it had taken to inconvenience half a dozen grown men was a moment of selfishness from a clueless girl a hundred times their size.

“Oh my top is way too tight for that. I don’t think they can move, like, at all.” Little tension creases in the ultra-stretchy and ultra-tight dress cloth signified just how securely the tinies were trapped up against her ginormous tits, proving Sophie correct. Just to demonstrate further she gave the people stuck to her expansive chest a gentle but annoyingly vigorous shake, leaving them to jiggle along with her but otherwise remain right where they had been all along: mashed face-first against her plush skin. “See?”

Stacy’s missing boyfriend

Stacy snickered and wondered if Sophie had picked out that dress just for the fact that nobody would be able to escape once stuck inside, before a thought occurred to her, “Hey, have you seen my boyfriend?”

Sophie had been entertaining herself by watching everyone bounce around against her breasts and looked up dumbly, “What?”

With an eyeroll Stacy repeated, “My boyfriend, have you seen him.” Stacy glanced down to her sister’s still wobbling chest, “He better not be in there, Sophie. I swear, if you’ve gotten him stuck in your top again...”

Sophie glanced down with only mild concern (not for anyone stuck to her, but just because she didn’t want to get yelled at), “Uh, I don’t think he’s in here…” Sophie gave her breasts yet another unhelpful bounce, sending all the tinies stuck to her flying back and forth once more. Tired of her sister’s shenanigans, Stacy leaned in to get a closer look herself.

Trying to confirm her boyfriend’s whereabouts, Stacy inquisitively poked the first tiny from behind, making him disappear with a muffled yelp into the soft indentation created in her sister’s flesh. “Hmm, that’s not him…” Stacy moved onto the next guy, deliberately squishing him firmly up against her sister’s doughy and yoga ball-sized nipple before she muttered, “Not this one…” Each man sank, one after the other, into Sophie’s monstrously building sized tits as Stacy continued her search. “Nope… Ooh, I feel quite the boner on this guy!” Stacy paused and wiggled her finger just to annoy her sister before continuing, “-but it's not him… Not this one either…”

Sophie had been somewhat enjoying watching her sister’s fruitless search for her boyfriend, especially since all her poking and prodding was making her breasts jiggle against the tiny men in a way that she was certain to be most frustrating for them, when she spotted Stacy’s necklace. With one hand Sophie reached out and tugged the thin chain from the valley of cleavage it had half-vanished into, and gradually a gold pendant freed itself from between her sister’s full breasts, along with a small man who had been tied to it. As Stacy glanced down to see what Sophie had been doing, Sophie bragged, “Ha! Told you I didn’t lose him!” and carelessly let the pendant go, causing the little man to faceplant heavily against Stacy’s awaiting cleavage.

As he jiggled in place Stacy craned her neck down to acknowledge him from above, “There you are! I was looking all over for you.” Stacy lifted her necklace back up, allowing the man to drag across her soft skin for several seconds before he was lifted in front of her face. He had been bound by his hands and feet to the gold pendant, leaving him totally immobile. He was tall (for a tiny), handsome, strong, and quite rich… but such a man was still nothing more than a plaything for a full-sized girl like Stacy.

Though he was gasping for breath he indulgently called, “Good morning, beautiful!” Stacy smirked, enjoying the simple flattery, and glanced down with satisfaction to where the man’s pants had grown visibly tight in her mere presence (he had never been able to resist her). “Good morning yourself, stud. I’m probably going to the mall with Sophie later, so I’ll need you to buy me a few things there.”

He asked nervously, “Um, alright honey, but do you think you could untie me first?”

Stacy rolled her eyes as if the request was absurd, “Maybe later, I’ve got stuff to do today and I kinda like how you look on this necklace.” As he began to protest Stacy carefully pulled the man’s pants down, letting his erection spring right in her direction, “But since I’m such a perfect girlfriend, I’ll let you stay in my cleavage for a while since it looks like you’ve got some morning wood that needs to be taken care of!” With two fingers Stacy separated her firm breasts and inserted the pendant (as well as the frustrated looking man) down between them, before letting each enormous boob slam bouncily back together. Stacy squeezed her breasts a few times, making a half-hearted attempt to ‘attend’ to her boyfriend like she’d promised, before promptly getting bored and leaving him to jiggle in place.

Stacy’s bra captives

Sophie had been watching Stacy’s interaction with mild puzzlement. “Wait, if that was your bf, then what are those other voices?”

Stacy had been about to stand up, but paused, “Huh? Which ones?” Letting her curiosity get the better of her, Stacy undid the few buttons of her straining shirt, causing her gigantic breasts to quiver with every movement she made before bursting free as she unclasped her frilly bra. The source of the mystery voices became immediately apparent as two tinies, both naked and sewn into the center of either enormous bra cup, began gasping for breath and begging for help from either giantess. Stacy murmured casually, “Ohhh right, I totally stuck these guys in there last night. Huh, I can’t believe I forgot about them.” As if that was all the explanation needed, Stacy motioned to put her bra back on, completely disregarding the two tinies fastened to where her nipples were about to rest.

One tiny immediately disappeared as Stacy’s massive breast filled and overflowed the bra-cup he was stuck to, but before the other could meet the same fate he screamed frantically, “WAIT! GET ME OUT OF HERE!”

Stacy sighed as if it was a total waste of her precious time to even discuss the matter, but left the naked tiny suspended mere inches from her quivering pink nipple as she paused and asked, “Umm, why?”

“Because I don’t want to be part of your fucking bra, you idiot!” The man was sweating and struggling against his bonds, his semi-erect penis wavering in Stacy’s direction and occasionally slapping into her uselessly, but he was clearly not getting free any time soon.

Stacy was undaunted by his demands, “Well too bad, cuz I want a little extra bra padding today.” To prove that her wants always come first, Stacy pulled her bra tightly closed, making sure the disobedient tiny went face-first against her awaiting nipple. Despite their irritation and moral high-ground, the combined efforts of the two men were no match for the weight of Stacy’s perky heaving tits, and she had no difficulty sealing both men back into the confines of her clothing where they’d be forced to bounce along with her until she bothered to change. As she struggled to squeeze her bulging chest into her overly tight shirt without popping any buttons, Stacy scolded them both just to remind them of her unquestionable superiority, “And bras don’t talk, so hush.”

As the last of Stacy’s buttons snapped into place around her bulging bosom, Sophie was barely able to hear the faint agitated screams of either tiny, and decided to have a little fun with the situation. With one finger Sophie jabbed at her sister’s chest, aiming for the faint bump where Stacy’s nipple was pushing through her bra, “Is this where his head is?” Sophie impulsively prodded against her sister’s nipple a few more times, smirking as the muffled shouts were stifled further with each squishy thrust she made, “How is there even, like, room for either of them in there with your huge tits taking up all the space?”

Stacy only shrugged uncaringly while all of her sister’s coy poking turned the angered cries of the tinies into smothered gurgles against her own nipples, “There isn’t.”

“Haha, fair enough!” Sophie chuckled, knowing the two rebellious tinies would probably be driven mad by her smug sister’s relentless jiggling, but didn’t lift a finger to help them (quite the opposite: she gave them one last poke for good measure before sitting back). Sophie began to muse, “So you got those little guys stuck on purpose… how the hell did I get, like, all these ones stuck to me, then?” Sophie looked down at her own ballooning chest in contemplation.

The bet

Stacy, being the significantly less hungover of the two, had the answer: “Don’t you remember? There was a game of ‘tiny Twister’ going on last night, and you were annoyed nobody invited you so you flashed them all and ‘joined in.’”

Upon recalling how she had smooshed her gigantic naked chest across the entire floormat (and everyone unfortunate enough to be participating in the game), Sophie began laughing hard enough to make her rounded chest shake noticeably. “Oh yeah, I totally did! And since I was the last one standing, I’m pretty sure that means I won the game, too! Hear that, guys? You lo-ost!” Several of the tinies stuck to Sophie grumbled irritably at her smug declaration and lack of remorse, but could do nothing to stop the very sore winner from bouncing them back and forth at her leisure.

When Sophie heard the complaints from the jiggling tinies she only scoffed selfishly, “Puh-leeze, as if you guys have any right to complain. If anything you should be comforting me right now: I’m the one with the hangover!” Pouting her lips, Sophie reached up and set her fingers on either side of her nipple and the head of the tiny man who was stuck against it. For no reason other than the fact that it would be momentarily amusing for her, the blonde giantess casually forced him to endure a ‘shoving match’ against her squishy, voluptuous body by pinching her fingers together. While the man’s frustrated screams vibrated delightfully against her flesh, Sophie turned to her sister, “Speaking of winning, Stace, remember our bet to see which of us would get more tinies stuck to us by morning? Well I’ve got, like, at least half a dozen right here.” Sophie gave her chest yet another unnecessary bounce, as if reminding Stacy (and everyone in sight) of her prized assets.

Stacy calmly retorted, “That looks more like five to me.” She was quietly hoping Sophie wouldn’t notice the sixth poor bastard stuck to the soft underside of one immovably heavy breast, trapped there by the stretchy dress. She figured there was no downside to letting him remain unnoticed for a bit if it would increase her chances at winning… at least not for her, anyway. And judging by just how clueless her sister could be, Stacy figured his chances of being found anytime soon were pretty slim.

Sophie looked down in surprise, “What!?” She’d been certain there were six… Still deliberately squeezing the one tiny’s face against her flesh, Sophie jiggled about as she looked this way and that, counting up all the outlines of people that had been firmly stuck to her. Since she was unable to see below her own protruding bosom she proclaimed, “I’m one short! Where did... Oh!” Glancing further down past her enormous chest, Sophie barely caught sight of another miniscule man wedged from head to waist between her plump thighs. All of her bouncing must have dislodged him, she figured. “Haha, found him!” In a bid to keep her score, Sophie quickly forgot all about the man she’d been fondling against her chest and reached for the ‘escapee,’ quickly plucking him up and stuffing him up through the gap in her dress right into her soft and sweaty cleavage. He barely had time to cry -HEY WAIT- before he was gone. As she crammed him further in with one finger to ensure he wouldn’t be going anywhere Sophie gloated, “There, six. And you’ve just barely got two!” Sophie reached out and snidely plucked her sister’s bra strap, squishing the two poor tinies against Stacy’s bulging breasts.

Stacy swatted her sister’s hand away, “Hey, watch the buttons! This shirt was expensive you know! Also, my boyfriend makes three, not two.”

Sophie’s pouty movements jiggled her whole chest and everyone stuck to her as she whined impertinently, “Your boyfriend doesn’t count!”

“Ummm, he’s tiny and he’s squished. He counts. Buuut, maybe we should ask him to settle this decision for us...” Stacy pulled at her gold necklace, dislodging the pendant from between her breasts with a bit of effort and revealing the man she knew would agree with literally anything she said. While her boyfriend once again dangled half-naked in the air, Stacy cooed, “Sweety, do you think you’re squished enough down there to count as a point in my favor?”

The man responded obediently, “Yes definitely, babe!”

Stacy grinned smugly, “Ha, see? Straight from the tiny’s mouth!” Having gotten what she needed from him, Stacy lowered the necklace back down, but inattentively missed her cleavage and left her boyfriend lying face-first against the smooth curvature of one breast, pinned down by the weight of the pendant. Still eager to win, Stacy turned to examine the rest of the couch curiously, “Now, do I have anyone else stuck?”

Feeling irritated at her sister’s ‘unfair advantage,’ Sophie slid across the couch, her eyes never leaving Stacy’s necklace. Once she was adjacent to her sister she reached forward and used one manicured fingernail to flip the pendant around to expose the handsome little man tied to it. Knowing there was nothing he could do to stop her, Sophie grinned and brought her enormous cloth-covered bosom closer to him, while Stacy remained totally oblivious (or just indifferent). The little man protested as his erect cock began pressing into Sophie’s soft skin—Wait! Stacy, help!—but was silenced as Sophie leaned a little further, squashing her very sizeable chest up against her sister. Feeling a little extra vindictive, Sophie gave her chest several light bounces, uncaringly punishing every single tiny stuck against her and her sister by forcing them to endure the tremors of their massive bodies.

Stacy’s voice caught Sophie’s attention again, “Looks like I’m catching up in points, sis!” Sophie followed her sister’s gaze and saw that at the end of Stacy’s  shapely outstretched leg, wrapped around one of her bare little toes, was a tiny person who had been contorted and bound like a living toe-ring. Stacy wriggled her delicate toes and declared happily, “That’s four!” before setting her foot back down on the floor, immediately and uncaringly forgetting all about the person who had been consigned to be her human jewelry for the day.

Sophie grumbled, “Fine but that’s still not enough to-”

Stacy blurted competitively, “Oh oh! And I’m definitely sitting on someone!”

“What? Prove it!”

Stacy complied by moving to lie down. Her boyfriend, finally peeling free from Sophie’s very inconveniently placed chest, swung and collided several times with his very large girlfriend’s very large body as she got into position, leaving several cumstains where he had bounced against her before he was promptly squashed as she plopped down. Setting her gigantic round hips across her sister’s lap, Stacy’s declaration proved true: at the center of one absurdly tight back-pocket was the outline of a tiny man, helplessly stuck in place. Though she knew Sophie had seen them, Stacy decided to count him aloud, and looked over her shoulder with a grin, “Five!” -whap!- Stacy punctuated this with a firm slap, smashing the hapless man right against her doughy ass cheek and leaving him rippling back and forth as if perched atop a bowl of jello. Stacy was about to roll back over when she spotted something intriguing wedged firmly between her continually wobbling buttocks, “Oooh! And this lucky little guy just might tie the game!” The man who had woken Stacy with his morning alarm was currently bouncing along with her backside, mashed face-first into her crack after having been sat on all this timer after her clumsy awakening. As if that wasn’t enough, Stacy proudly wiggled her ass in the air for her sister to see, reducing his entire unfortunate situation to nothing more than a point in her stupid game.

The ‘buttplug’

Sophie prissily shoved Stacy away, forcing her sister to sit back up (and once more crush everyone beneath her). Stacy was belatedly tucking her boyfriend back into her cleavage as Sophie scoffed, “Well you haven’t won yet. I could still be sitting on someone too!” Eager to be crowned the victor, Sophie hurriedly jumped to her feet and peeled her dress up a few inches, mooning Stacy (and all the tinies who were beginning to stir from their slumber) with her bare, nearly naked, bubble-shaped rump.

Stacy’s eyebrow rose when she noticed her sister had forgone even panties... but she didn’t see any sign of a tiny person, “What makes you think you sat on someone, you idiot?”

Sophie insisted, “I’m pretty sure I was giving someone a lapdance last night, only I can’t remember if I finished or got tired and just sat on them… Here, check for me!” Unable to get a good view of her own backside past her shoulder, Sophie impatiently spread her ass cheeks, and Stacy had to stifle a laugh as two puny naked legs came into view, protruding from her sister’s wrinkled pink button of an anus. It appeared that Sophie had in fact gotten someone stuck in the most unfortunate of places, and that they had remained there up until now thanks to her utter carelessness. Sounding very concerned with whether or not she was going to win (but not at all concerned by the prospect that someone may have been wedged up her asshole for the past several hours), Sophie asked, “Well???”

For Stacy, the choice of whether or not to allow the unfortunate little person to remain undiscovered for the sake of her victory was obvious: if he had to spend a bit longer as her bratty sister’s living buttplug just for her own personal gain, well, that was a sacrifice she was willing to make. “Nah, noone’s there.” Stacy expertly hid her smug grin as the little man’s legs began to flutter and kick frantically as soon as he heard her unhelpful lie, though for all his panic he still remained thoroughly lodged between Sophie’s mansion-sized ass cheeks from the waist up.

Annoyed that her ‘ace in the hole’ (so to speak) hadn’t panned out, Sophie began petulantly bouncing her ass cheeks together as if enough complaining would miraculously lead to her victory, “Aw man, really? There’s nobody back there!?” Stacy had a front row seat in watching the poor man being battered and crushed by her sister’s bad-tempered fidgeting, until he suddenly exploded a stream of cum down Sophie’s backside. Apparently, even in his humiliating position, all it took to be finished off by a girl as hot as Sophie or Stacy was to be clumsily squished one too many times… not that Stacy was surprised after how many times she or her sister had made that happen.

Sophie huffed theatrically and let her huge buttocks slam back together with a meaty thud around the tiny and still jizzing man, “Uuugh! Fine, neither of us win, it’s a tie.” Finally accepting that the game was over, Sophie turned around and plopped back onto the couch, failing to notice either the sticky squelch sound that came from beneath her as she made impact, or the muffled scream from the person who had wandered onto the (previously empty) seat before being crushed under one bare cheek during her careless landing.

An interruption

Two more tinies had luckily remained unflattened by Sophie, and cautiously approached before one called up nervously from the precariously narrow gap remaining between either girl’s rotund hips, “Uh, e-excuse me, miss? You… sat on my friend.”

Sophie looked down and wiggled her hips cluelessly, “Really? Just now?” The little men looked nervously to where a stifled shout emerged from between where her jiggling flesh met the leather couch, and one took a wary step backwards. Sophie laughed upon feeling the unmistakable and familiar sensation of tiny bodies mashing against her ass, “Haha, oops! I think you’re right! At least he makes a good seat cushion.” Having no desire to stand up any time soon, Sophie continued rocking her hips one way and then the other, uncooperatively flattening everyone caught beneath her against the couch.

As if the solution to the problem was plainly obvious, Stacy arrogantly suggested, “Maybe if you guys weren’t so small, you wouldn’t get sat on all the time.”

Ignoring Stacy’s obviously unhelpful ‘advice,’ the first tiny again tried to ask for assistance, “*sigh* Look, if you could stand for just a second-”

Interrupting them by butting in (literally), Stacy slid over and smashed the two small men up against her sister’s big awaiting rump, “Umm, can’t you see we’re busy?” Stacy rolled her eyes while her and Sophie’s jean and dress clothed asses jiggled firmly against one another, creating a nearly air-tight seal around two two struggling tinies, “Gawd, some guys just have no concept of personal space.”

Before the sisters could get back to their discussion another full-sized girl walked up, “Hey have either of you seen three tiny dudes, one in a red shirt? I think they were over here last night, one’s my boyfriend and I’m supposed to give them all a ride home in my purse?” Stacy and Sophie glanced at each other, realizing that the description matched at least one of the men currently stuffed between their thighs right now. It would have been easy to just hand the little men over, but even that was too much effort for the sisters… Stacy shrugged, “Nope, haven’t seen’em.”

The girl glanced dubiously down at Sophie’s broad chest, where half a dozen miniature people were still stuck in plain view, “Uh huh…” The concerted struggles of every tiny pressing into Sophie’s chest were causing each of her enormous tits to continuously quiver and wobble nonstop, like a perpetual motion machine that was powered by tiny and sexually-frustrated men. At least one tiny had started unabashedly dry-humping Sophie from his fleshy prison, causing her body to jiggle all the more. The girl raised one eyebrow suspiciously.

Sophie rolled her eyes, “Trust me, it’s not these guys.” Just for good measure she cupped her heaving tits, making them spill over her fingers and flattening one guy in the process, “We already checked.” Sophie let her breasts fall back down and strain against her dress as they bounced back into place.

With an uncertain shrug, the girl turned to leave, “Alright, just lemme know if you do see them, kay?”

As she walked away to continue her search, a tiny voice tried to call out for help from between Stacy and Sophie. Simultaneously the two sisters pushed their thick hips together again, silencing the assortment of little men in an instant. To remind them how much more valuable her time was compared to theirs Stacy scolded, “Can you shut up already? My sister and I are like, trying to have a conversation, here.”

Only after the girl had vanished from the room did Sophie return to the topic at hand, “Wait, do these ones count for the bet?”

Stacy frowned, “Umm, no, because we’re both squishing them. If anything it’s just another tie.”

Sophie insisted, “Yeah but I’m pretty sure I can feel their boners rubbing against me!” Just to get her point across Sophie wiggled in place again, casually smearing either little man between her and her sister’s shapely legs.

Stacy considered this. She and her sister were well used to their effect on men by now: they were so absurdly hot that their mere presence was usually enough to distract or arouse tinies wherever they went, even those who moments ago could have been arguing with them or berating them for their carelessness. It was just one of the many perks of being what amounted to basically an irresistible goddess, free to tease or deny the tiny men of the world as they pleased. The two tinies stuck in Stacy’s top, for example, were still writhing nakedly against her nipples, unable to even stop their faces from being mashed into her, and yet Stacy had felt their erections grinding against her from the start. The guys between her and her sister’s thighs were probably squirming just as much in arousal as anger, after Sophie’s coy jiggling. Not to mention some the tinies trapped in Sophie’s top were starting to leave small stains on her dress as they began to leak precum just from her incessantly bouncy little movements and bratty gestures. At any moment, either girl could have effortlessly satisfied or freed any of these frustrated men, if only they’d cared enough to do so… but where was the fun in that?

Eventually Stacy came to a decision, and began gently bouncing her hips against her sister, “Okay, we’ll have a tie-breaker round by seeing which of us more of these guys stay stuck to, kay?”

Sophie agreed with a big smile, “Deal!” After pushing herself against Stacy one last time for good measure, Sophie scooted back. One tiny momentarily remained flattened to Stacy’s pants before peeling away and falling into a heap on the couch. The one that had been so vocal earlier remained adhered face-first to Sophie’s sweaty skin, and was powerless to do anything but jiggle in place as she announced her victory by spanking him into her ass and cheering triumphantly, “Ha! Looks like I win, sis! I win I win I wiiin~!” Sophie celebrated with a few more forceful smacks that sent tremors through her whole lower body, and on the last slap the tiny man was crushed flat before spraying semen down her leg and onto the couch. A smug smile spread across Sophie’s face as she pulled her sticky hand away, “Did he cum all over me already? Even after all that complaining earlier?” She made no move to either peel him free or clean up the mess, and instead used one finger to happily smear his spent, trembling body against her hip, all while the friend he had come to help still remained squashed firmly beneath her.

Stacy just snorted, “Hmph, little guys just can’t help themselves can they. At least I get this one as a consolation prize...” The other man who had landed on the couch (and just finished watching his friend be completely dominated by the spoiled giantess that they’d been admonishing just moments prior) was quickly snatched up. Stacy leaned to one side and slid the small man into her empty and unbearably tight back pocket, before crushing him completely flat when she bounced herself off the couch and stood up. “Alright, enough fun… I need to find my shoes before we leave.”

(Continue to part 2)




Aug 2: Made a lighting update to the picture. I'm not sure if it's annoying to get notifications when I change / update images or not, or if people would prefer I separate them into different posts (I assume that would get annoying so I don't do it). If anyone has an opinion on this, let me know.