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(Previous chapter here)

… Chapter 4 … 

As soon as Alice set him down on a leather bar stool, Will flopped down in exhaustion. Alice gave him one last affectionate smile before turning to listen as the director explained their roles, “Ah, I see Will’s read the script, he’s already in position! Excellent! We’ll start with Alice, taking center-stage, dazzling the cameras with blah blah blah...” The director’s pompous blathering faded out in Will’s tired mind as he tried to collect his thoughts. Alice had remained close enough to the stool that, from his position just below her broad hips, he had been giving a wondrously distracting underview of her firmly rounded buttocks as she casually listened to the director’s demands for the scene.

Each of Alice’s huge butt cheeks protruded from either large thigh, underlined with a slight crease, before curving up and away towards a narrow waist. Her shorts had nearly vanished into the deep valley of her rear end by now, though through her thigh gap he could see the fabric pulled tightly over her smooth crotch… Just to make matters worse Alice kept shifting her weight as she listened, sending small tremors through her entire hefty backside while drawing the fabric ever tighter around her frame. She didn’t seem to notice her fidgeting, but as he had to stare right up at her bulging, jiggling ass for what felt like an eternity, Will was painfully reminded of just how firmly his cock was pressing against the inside of his pants. For not the first time in his life Will found himself wishing he could be normal sized, if just for one day so that he could squeeze a mound of Alice’s supple behind in his hands and plunge his full cock into her...

Will only snapped out of his reverie when he noticed Alice watching him over one shoulder with a lip-nibbling smirk that suggested she may have shared his exact lewd thoughts. Enjoying the fact that he’d been staring, Alice gently shook her hips to make her huge buttocks collide against one another in plain view for him. Will glanced down (he couldn’t help it) and Alice smugly turned back to the director, who continued to drone on about the “high art of acting” or whatever. Unbeknownst to Will, Alice’s attention was still on him: she couldn’t stop thinking about how hot it was that he’d been watching her, or how cute it was when he blushed after being caught… plus she was pretty sure he still had a boner, which was just the cherry-on-top as far as she was concerned. With a smile on her face Alice coyly shifted her weight over until her gigantic rear end was blocking the director from Will’s sight, hoping he’d enjoy the view better this way.

The director eventually finished her speech, “So, to recap: Giantess #1 sits on Tiny Victim #1, then stands up with him stuck to her. She strides across the room, stops just long enough for him to say the catchy slogan, then we cut. Alice, whenever you and Will are ready, take a seat… the cameras are rolling.” Will startled, remembering he was being recorded all this time, and wondered if the editors were going to see ten minutes of him just drooling up at his co-worker.

Alice carefully backed up to the stool, bumping her towering thighs against the edge with a slight shudder that reminded Will of an earthquake. As her broad hips gently wobbled over the stool, Will noticed she was looking down over her shoulder at him again as if gauging his reaction. She seemed pleased by the look of awe on his face as he stared up from the very small leather chair that she was about to share with him. Her sing-song voice floated down, “Ready down there?” Obviously very excited to begin, Alice gave her hips the slightest shake in Will’s direction, rocking the stool under his feet again.

Will nodded nervously, “As I’ll ever be…” Happy to proceed, Alice watched over her shoulder as she began to lower her very (very) sizeable butt down, it’s rounded mass looming ever larger and closer to the stool like a meteor falling in slow motion. Will was part terrified and part excited as Alice descended, until her booty-shorts landed against his body and pressed him down: rather than being immediately crushed as he’d expected, he was only pinned in place under a soft, warm pressure against his frontside. It appeared Alice had thankfully decided to hold back most of her weight, leaving him caught firmly beneath the skintight fabric covering each cheek. Will struggled to hold in a groan as his throbbing erection pressed against one of Alice’s cheeks through her shorts and one of his outstretched hands was flattened under her bare ass cheek, sorely tempting him with her proximity.

Though the cameras weren’t on her face, Alice found herself smiling as she delivered her line, “Oops, is this seat taken?” Unbeknownst to anyone else, she had felt Will’s cock rubbing against her through her taut shorts, and immensely enjoyed the feeling. The very soft curvature of her ass cheeks pressed him flat into the firm curvature of the stool, and her perfect aim had landed one gigantic doughy buttock on either side of his body, and… well, she’d have to be an idiot not to feel the very hard “something” pressing up into her soft buttcrack. Alice began to realize that, if anything, the sensation of Will’s body squishing against hers was just as comforting as his kind words, like he was there to support her (in every way). Though she was extremely tempted to bounce around a little bit more just to enjoy her position while she could, she had sorta kinda told Will she’d go easy on him, and she didn’t want to embarrass her little friend too badly... So, with some reluctance, Alice gradually began to stand up, and glanced over her shoulder to watch as Will came with her, only for his body to peel away and fall back to the stool in a tired heap.

The director’s megaphone cried out, “Cut!”

Assuming she’d done something wrong, Alice tried to apologize, “Sorry director! I don’t think I got him stuck well enough, and-”

But the director waved a hand, “That’s alright my dear, it turns out you were a bit too big for our camera to pick up so we’ll have to change lenses anyway. Let’s take five before we go again, and in the meantime you two think about how to make sure Will sticks properly, hmm?” Alice nodded: she certainly didn’t mind waiting, not since it meant giving Will another few minutes to relax… or to appreciate the view from below! Alice carefully braced against the stool to ensure she didn’t accidentally crush Will flat, while ensuring he had no choice but to look up at her dazzling behind. In fact, her heart began beating a little harder as she thought back to how hard his erection had felt beneath her… and how she could sit on it again, right now, if she wanted do. What would it feel like for him to thrust into her, she wondered?

Unable to to take her mind off of how horny she was getting, Alice glanced around her broad thighs to whisper hopefully, “Hey, wanna do another practice rehearsal with me real quick?” Hoping to entice a ‘yes’ out of Will, and greatly underestimating the damage she’d already done, the redheaded girl wiggled her backside in the air, nearly knocking Will over as the stool rocked back and forth.

Will’s body might have been flattened but his penis was pointing straight up towards Alice's wobbling cheeks as if in standing ovation of her ‘performance.’ He was again reminded of just how unfair it was that his size left him at the mercy of Alice’s casual teasing, knowing that he’d only end up more blue-balled than ever if he gave in now. “Remember all that frustration I mentioned earlier, Alice? I could really use the break.”

But Alice only smirked in disbelief, “Don’t tell me you need to ‘decompress’ again after I hardly even sat on you???” Dubious that her feminine behind could be so disruptive (but intrigued that it could have such an effect on a man), Alice ran a hand over her big pale buttock, unintentionally leaving Will gawping up while her cheeks jiggled about.

That was ‘hardly sitting’ on me?”

“Well they say the camera adds ten pounds!”

“Or ten tons, from my point of view.”

Alice tried to pretend she didn’t find Will’s banter adorable, “Ooh, zing. Was that a big butt joke?” Having all the excuse she needed to continue teasing him, Alice gradually slid a finger along the buried edge of her shorts, dragging it from between her hovering buttocks and giving Will just a moment to look longingly up at an exposed sliver of her brightly colored panties. While he stared intently, Alice took a moment to glance down to the bulge in his pants and taunt, “I think Tiny Victim #1 should be grateful that Pretty Giantess #1 was nice enough to spend her five minute break standing instead of sitting… especially with such a comfy cock to sit on waiting for her.” Before Will could stare too much Alice let her tight booty shorts snap back into place, practically vanishing while each humongous ass cheek rippled invitingly right over his position.

Pretending she hadn’t been joking about sitting on his cock mere seconds ago, Alice began innocently pondering, “I think I see what you mean about my size, though. Even my butt’s like a thousand times bigger than your body, so it must feel like a big jiggly earthquake when I sit on you, huh?” Just for good measure Alice squeezed one round ass cheek with her hand, before letting it spring back into shape.

Will inhaled sharply as he felt his cock aching terribly at the teasing sight Alice was giving him. “You know, Alice, that’s hardly helping me right now!” In his pitiful state, Will was annoyed that Alice was apparently having so much fun with his condition while it felt like his dick was still trying to punch a hole in his underwear.

“Heehee, sorry! That wasn’t supposed to be that distracting… That’s what you get for that ten-ton’s comment, though.” Alice’s cheerful giggling betrayed how very not-sorry-at-all she was that she could one-up Will just by jiggling around a bit.  “Y’know, the upside of you being so small is that if I got you stuck deep enough, the cameras wouldn’t even be able to see your erection… it would just be our stiff little secret. What do you think?” Will found himself blushing as Alice gave him a devious wink over her shoulder, but his mind was too frazzled to answer in anything other than stammering mumbles.

From elsewhere the director called out, “Alright, cameras set! Are my actors ready for take two?”  Alice chirped, “Yes, miss director! But when I sit down do you want me to bounce around? It might help Will stick to me.” Alice gently shook her hips as if to prove she were perfectly capable of bouncing as much as needed, while giving Will quite the show in the process. Will couldn’t help but gulp: that was Alice’s plan to get him stuck!? Great…

The director waved a hand, “Of course, Alice! Do whatever you feel is necessary to get into character.”

Alice beamed to herself, “We’re both ready, then!” Just to ensure Will would definitely get stuck this time, and to give him a little teaser of the fun to come (so to speak), she slowly reached her hands back and began to part her buttocks. As her fingertips began pressing into her perfectly round backside, Will found himself watching intently as a sliver of her panties became exposed in the crack of her ass once more. Several Tiny camera-operator’s jaws fell open as Alice’s ass cheeks spread apart, before the call ACTION! resonated across the stage.

Realizing he was about to be literally and metaphorically eclipsed by his co-actor’s enormous butt, Will braced for impact. It didn’t help. Alice slammed onto the stool, crushing his body underneath her tons of girly flesh as the air hissed from the compressing leather cushion with a -whumpfssss-. This was nothing like the first take when she had tried to hold back: her soft but immovably heavy ass continued to jiggle incessantly as it settled over his frontside, leaving him totally immobilized against nothing but her skin. The impact had been sudden but too soft to be painful, though Alice’s continued bouncing was more than a bit jarring for Will’s tiny form now that he was compressed under the full weight of her gigantic rump. All he could do now was wait and hope Alice got the scene over with quickly while he struggled to ignore the fact that his erection was now pressing directly against her panties. As if things weren’t bad enough, Will thought he felt his jeans coming loose...

Alice giggled her cheesy line with even more enthusiasm than last time, “Oops, is this seat taken?” All she could think about was the feeling of Will’s face and crotch rubbing up against her smooth skin, separated in places only by her thin cotton panties or taut booty shorts, and it was driving her wild. She thought back to what Will had said when they first met, about how it could be ‘fun’ to be sat on by the right girl, and lewdly hoped he was having as much fun as she was right now. Alice continued to gently bobbing up and down for several seconds, enjoying how she could constantly feel Will’s hardened cock underneath her sensitive jiggly flesh, with no clue that his cum and sweat-soaked pants were slowly being pulled down.  

As she wobbled to an eventual standstill, Alice suddenly noticed a buzzing sensation beneath her. She focused, trying to feel out what had happened without ruining the take: she could feel Will shouting something, and squirming, and… oh goodness… she could feel his cock, his bare cock, pressing up against her ass! All her grinding must have pulled his pants down his legs! Alice blushed deep red as she realized her first instinct was to bounce vigorously to see if she could make him cum… but even the overwhelming temptation to take advantage of her cute friend’s vulnerable position was balanced by her hesitation to embarrass him in front of everyone else. But... as long as nobody else saw him, she could do whatever she wanted with his naked body, right? Surely he wouldn’t mind, after all he’d been reacting very positively to all her teasing so far... As a kinky plan formed in her head, Alice nibbled her thick lower lip with a devilish smirk.

Deciding to cover up her hesitation with some improv (and to tease Will at the same time, especially after that ‘10 tons’ joke) Alice smiled down at her wide hips, “Huh, it feels like I’m sitting on someone after all… good thing they make such a comfy seat!” Rather than sit still, Alice began bobbing her hips and casually crushing Will’s body against the stool over and over. Though the intent was to ensure he got good and stuck, that didn’t stop Alice from savoring the feeling of his face and erection squashing into her body. For several seconds Will could only grunt and whimper as his erect cock was stuffed into the soft and inviting crevice between Alice’s butt cheeks as the rest of him was compacted flat by the bubbly, excitable girl.

 Finally, and only after she was sure Will was ‘secured’ between her cheeks, Alice began to stand. She started by dragging her hips across the stool, sensually grinding Will’s body along the leather one last time before she lifted into the air. As Alice rose her two enormous buttocks came together, and she grinned when she felt Will’s whole body caught between them. As Will wobbled softly in place, Alice noted with special appreciation that she could nearly feel his cock throbbing right between each of her jiggly cheeks, well out of view of any cameras. Proud that her little ‘plan’ to protect Will’s indecency was going off without a hitch, Alice turned and back to saunter away, giving the camera a good lengthy view of her swaying backside.

As Alice stood Will had been left sandwiched between each of her humongous ass cheeks, trapped between their jiggly masses. Now as she sashayed along, every step pumped and jostled her enormous legs, smooshing his bare cock and face one way or the other against her perfectly smooth skin: step, step, step... left, right, left... squish, squash, squish… It was only a few quick steps for Alice, but it was more than enough to build Will nearly to climax. Knowing the studio microphones would pick up any noise he made, it was all Will could manage to hold in his moans of pleasure and concentration as he tried not to cum all over Alice’s flexing thighs.

 As Alice walked along she noticed something peculiar: it seemed like her panties had gotten ‘sticky.’ It wasn’t until several steps in that it suddenly clicked for her: that was Will’s precum! Pretending to ignore the delightful surprise (that confirmed just how much of an effect she’d had on him thus far), and not understanding the intense struggle he was facing, Alice came to a jiggly stop at the stage mark and waited for Will to say his line. Figuring he might be a little stuck (and more than a little distracted), Alice ‘helpfully’ clenched her ass ever so gently around him, accidentally causing him to shoot another spurt of precum into her perfectly smooth buttocks. Though she could feel his cum starting to run down her thighs Alice remained dutifully still, careful not to let the camera’s see her blushing, grinning face. After a moment Alice heard Will struggling valiantly to pry his face from her behind, “-gasp- Whether you're stuck to a boob, butt, or shoe -mmph- Smallstate is here for you!” Alice smiled, happy for her horny little friend, and gently squeezed her legs together again. Will’s last words were stifled as her thick buttocks came together firmly, enveloping him and causing his cock to throb noticeably against her panties.

Alice was still standing patiently still when the director called the final CUT! The crew began to pack things up, hustling around as the gigantic redhead slowly turned back around. Alice was sorely tempted to pluck Will out and shove him down the back of her panties right then and there while she had the chance, but she caught the Tiny director woman beckoning her over. As much as she wanted to take care of Will, Alice figured he could wait juuust a bit longer… so she began sauntering back the way she came, mindful to put a little extra sway in her step this time as his cum continued leaking down the back of her shapely legs.

Alice arrived as the other crewmembers were filing out of the room, and the director announced to her, “That’s a wrap! It’s rare for mixed-size performers to get along so well, but I couldn’t have asked for two better stars of the day!” Alice was surprised when the director gave a small but enthusiastic round of applause, but she smiled and bowed just the same. It wasn’t until her second bow that she realized every bending motion she made was pressing Will’s throbbing, leaking cock up against her sensitive ass crack. As streaks of his sticky precum ran down the back of her plump legs, Alice made sure to angle her backside away then took one more deep bow just for good measure, biting her lip to keep herself from giggling as she felt Will’s rock hard penis nearly bursting through her underwear.

As Alice stood up the director finished, “Your cheques are in the mail, and I am going to be requesting the both of you for more upcoming projects. Till next time, darlings, ta-taa!” With a floofy gesture over one shoulder the small woman left, never once having bothered to even check on Will’s whereabouts. For only the second time since they’d met, Alice and Will were left alone together.

Continue to Chapter 5 and the finale! 



Aww, these characters are absolutely adorable together! Any plans for future stories of them together?


Haha, that's what I was going for, so thanks! And yeah, probably: I've got a couple characters all set in the Tiny World setting, such as Carmen, Rose, Alex, Ashley, Suzy, and some more who have yet to make an appearance. I've also got a sequel to this story already loosely planned, so Alice will definitely be featured again someday.


These were so hot and wholesome. Hopefully maybe you'll do an illustration of two from one of the scenes.

Name Named

srsly tho why don't i get emails when you post things...


I don't know, I definitely have notifications on my end turned on for when I post stuff. Thanks for checking in anyway, though!


The little guy has a great name 😁and a great job 😂