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(The other ~3 chapters of the story are largely complete, but I'd like to do some editing and accompanying art before posting. Just to tide people over though, here is a look at what's to come!)

Will was getting anxious. He’d been been sitting in the break room of the filming studio for fifteen minutes, and all he could think about was how dumb he’d look if he messed up the only lines for his first paid television appearance. Sure it was just a giantess insurance commercial, but still: pretty soon he’d be able to point at the TV and say “That’s me!” to his friends. He might have only been one and a half inches tall, but the job listing had specified they were looking for a Tiny (and one regular-sized female actor, who he had yet to meet). Plus he had to admit that the company’s idea for “giantess insurance” was brilliant: it could be pretty expensive and problematic for a Tiny to get flattened and stuck to some oblivious girl since it could mean they’d miss out on work or errands until they were freed, but this would help alleviate the problem! At least that was the pitch Will got from SmallState, the company that had hired him for the part. It was just a little annoying (and ironic) that the filming studio didn’t have anywhere to sit except regular-sized chairs: Will had to climb up and sit in one just to make sure he didn’t get forgotten or something. 

A loud whumpf and a rush of air brought Will out of his thoughts, and he was startled to see that the seat to his right had been filled with a huge red-headed girl. Realizing he would have been crushed had the girl chosen just one chair to the left, Will could only stare as her enormous bare thighs quivered and flexed against the seat, even spilling over the sides until she slowly crossed one leg over the other… a subtle act that Will couldn’t look away from. 

Frowning up to see who had nearly put an end to his first day as an actor, Will was taken aback to find himself staring up at an utterly gorgeous girl: a smattering of freckles decorated her pale cheeks and button nose, and long springy coils of red hair framed a face that could be called nothing short of “cute as hell.” She looked a little younger than Will, though she was still hundreds of times his size of course. Speaking of size… Will was by no means a shallow man, but it was impossible (especially from his low point of view) not to notice the immensely full chest that the girl had somehow stuffed into a low-cut, midriff baring t-shirt. Looking back down past the girl’s smooth stomach and petite waist, Will saw a small pair of colorful booty-shorts stretched near-to-bursting around her chair-filling hips and thighs, though her legs were totally bare until her calf-high striped socks. Will tried not to think about what would happen to those poor shorts if the girl were to bend over, and quietly hoped that this might be his co-star for the commercial. Seemingly oblivious to how close she just came to crushing the only other person present, the young woman anxiously glanced around the room while cutely chewing on her lower lip. Lastly, Will noticed a choker necklace around her slender neck… interesting.

Deciding he had been staring more than long enough, Will picked his jaw off the floor and decided to introduce himself. When clearing his throat didn’t get her attention, he stood up and tried again, “Ahem… uh, hi!”

The girl glanced around in confusion before spotting Will down beside her with an almost comically surprised expression, “Oh! You’re so small… Um, hello little guy, I didn’t see you there!”

Will held up his hands, “Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you. I-”

The girl’s lips pursed apologetically, “Crap, was it rude of me to call you little?”

Will awkwardly tried to reassure her, “No no, really, I was just trying to get your attention so-”

The girl interrupted anxiously, “Oh no, I’m not sitting on a friend of yours am I???” With a nervous expression she ground her gigantic rear-end into the chair, as apparently that was her method of ‘checking’ if she'd sat on someone. It didn’t seem to occur to her that any Tinies would be pulverized long before her jiggly motions brought them to her attention, and that standing up would have been far better.

Attempting not to stare as the redhead’s shorts were drawn even tighter around her massive round thighs, Will regretfully realized he couldn’t actually remember if anyone had been in that seat before she sat down. Hoping for the best, Will tried to reassure the worried-seeming girl and called up, “No, nothing like that, I was just, uh, saying hi!”

She let out a relieved sigh upon hearing that she wasn’t crushing someone, “Phew, good! The last thing I need is a little person stuck to my butt as I go on TV for the first time…” The girl awkwardly chuckled while chewing at her plump lower lip, obviously distracted with the thought of just how embarrassed she would have been. After a minute the girl seemed to realize she had been staring at Will (though he’d been doing the same to her, of course), and she glanced away to anxiously explain, “I’ve never even met a Tiny person before, and now I’m going to be in a commercial with one? I’m already so nervous, what if I sweat through my top? Do you think the cameras will see that I’m not wearing a bra!?” Will blinked and tried not to burn a hole through her skin tight shirt with his eyes, though her jiggly fidgeting made it difficult to look away. As if remembering she wasn’t just talking to herself, the girl looked over with reddening cheeks and another subtle wobble, “...sorry, TMI?”

Will realized this poor girl was even more anxious than he was. Wondering if he could take her mind off things, he the first stupid thing that came to mind, “Truth be told, I'm not wearing a bra either.” The girl’s expression twisted as she let out a surprised giggle, and Will continued, “Seriously though, it’s my first time going on TV too. I’ve been waiting almost twenty minutes to be called in, and I’ve been sitting here freaking out the whole time, so I think if anyone ends up looking stupid on camera it will be me.”

The girl turned slightly to look down at Will with a slightly optimistic look in her eye, “Wait, are you here for the insurance commercial too? Are you ‘Tiny Victim #1’ in the script!?”

Will couldn’t help but smile as he realized this stunning girl currently towering what felt like a mile over his head was going to be his co-worker for the day, “Yep, that’s me. And I guess that makes you the star of the show, ‘Pretty Giantess #1’ ?” The script had simply labeled her ‘Giantess #1’ but Will hoped a little banter might keep her in good spirits.

The redhead nodded shyly before belatedly processing what he’d said, “Yeah, I- Wait, does your version of the script really say ‘Pretty’ Giantess?’ Lemme see!” With a skeptical smile on her face the redhead leaned over, reaching a hand out for the stapled sheaf of papers on Will’s lap.

Will held his script away (which was a more symbolic gesture since she could grab his entire body between two fingers if she wanted) and smirked sarcastically, “Nope, sorry, you’ll just have to take my word for it!”

Catching on to the joke, the redhead sat back heavily and crossed her arms beneath her rather sizeable and now quivering chest. With a huff she tried to hide her gleeful smile beneath a mock pout, “Har-dee-har... making fun of the gullible new girl? Real nice.”

“Hey, I’m the one with ‘victim’ in my character’s name, that’s a little worrisome, you know? At least you aren’t playing ‘Busty Girl #2’ or something.” Will worried that might have sounded too forward, but he caught the girl snickering to herself, evidently finding his semi-lewd joke more than a bit funny.

Before Will could wonder if the girl had a hidden kinky side, she nodded, “Good point, though I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to feature some of my best assets on my resume, huh?” Thinking over his comment, the redhead gave her chest a casual little squeeze by pressing her forearms up into the heaving weight of each fleshy mound before dropping them back down with an effortlessly tantalizing bounce.

From below it was a challenge for Will to look anywhere but right under her overhanging t-shirt fabric to the creamy round underside of each breast, though he tried his best for the sake of manners. It didn’t seem like she was trying to tease him as she gently played with her own enormous bosom above his head… but he found himself blushing just the same. Will tried to distract himself with a pun, “Hmm, wouldn’t that be considered padding your resume?”

Unaware of the subtle and bouncy show she had been putting on, the girl whipped around with a playful frown as she tried and failed not to smile at his corny joke, “Heehee- hey! Alright, smarty-pants, do you have a name or should I just call you ‘Tiny Victim’ all day? And don’t tell me all Tinies are this snarky.”

Noticing that the girl seemed much more at ease now, Will was happy to introduce himself, “I’m Will! And may I ask what soon-to-be superstar I’ll be stealing the spotlight from, today?”

The redhead’s sarcastic glare faded into a heart-melting smile, and her lightly freckled cleavage wobbled overhead again as she outstretched one hand and cooed in a voice sweeter than syrup, “I’m Alice. Very nice to meet you, little guy.” Smiling like a buffoon, Will grasped her pinky finger and gave it a ‘shake,’ both of them giggling and blushing nervously at the other.

Alice’s sarcastic grin returned as she retracted her hand, “But don’t think you’re off the hook for that snarky little comment, Will. I’m going to remember that during the scene where I have to sit on you!” Alice rocked her hips against the chair with a friendly hint of threat.

Will laughed and rolled his eyes, “Hah! Sure.” but Alice didn’t seem to be laughing, and just raised one eyebrow enticingly at him. “Oh… there really is a sitting scene?”

To her credit, Alice at least tried not to let her excitement show, and bit her lower lip to hide her increasingly smug grin, “Mmm-hmmmm.” She couldn’t stop herself from gently gyrating her gigantic ass in her chair, possibly as she thought about that very scene and how much fun she was going to have with it. “Plus there’s another one titled ‘boob-pressing.’ You think maybe that’s why the job posting listed a minimum bust size for applicants?”

Will couldn’t believe his ears, and suddenly found himself trying to imagine what her ludicrous measurements just might be, “W-what? Are you… it did???”

Alice burst out laughing, making her chest jiggle violently within her top, “Haha-haaaa! No, dude! I so had you, though!” Will let out a long breath before Alice added coyly, “At least I was joking about the bust size thing, but there totally is a sitting and a boob-pressing scene.” Alice caught the slightly bewildered look Will was giving her, “Didn’t you read the script?”

Will shook his head and mumbled, “Only the parts with my lines…”

Alice gave an innocent grin that was cute but not particularly reassuring, “Well it’s just getting squished a little, right? How bad could that be?”

Will realized that Alice would have no clue what it was like for Tinies to get crushed: the humiliation, the irritation, the wasted time, the exhaustion, not to mention the sexual tension… Like most Tinies, Will had the libido of a full-sized man trapped in the body of a fun-sized candybar, which was embarrassing enough to think about, let alone admit to a drop-dead gorgeous girl. Rather than explain all that Will tried to be subtle, “We have to deal with a lot of, um, pressure whenever we get squished.”

Thinking she understood, Alice nodded, “Oh yeah, because of all the weight? Does it hurt or anything?” Seeming intrigued, Alice leaned forward to hear better which caused her cleavage to bulge up against her taut shirt.

Will gulped, flustered as he realized he might have to use a bit of innuendo to get his point across, but knowing a more direct explanation would only be more embarrassing for him, “N-no, not exactly, but *ahem* it does get harder the longer it goes on… especially if the girl is the bouncy-type.”

Alice gave a carefree laugh as she assumed Will had just meant someone with a bubbly personality, “Haha, guiltyyy!” Will tried not to stare as her gigantic tits shook back and forth along with her laughter, and considered pointing out why that was the exact sort of ‘frustrating’ bounciness he was talking about. After a moment Alice seemed confused again, “But wait, how exactly does that make things more difficult for you?”

Will felt his face turning red as he realized Alice wasn’t about to take the hint, so he gestured up at her building-sized hips, “Alright, imagine you’d sat on someone earlier. Someone Tiny.”

Alice blinked cutely from above, “Uh huh...”

“So… you’d basically be sitting on their lap, and their chest, and, well, their face too, all at once, right?”

Alice’s enormous ass rocked against the creaking chair as she tried to imagine Will’s point, “Hmmm, yeah?”

Will raised his eyebrows, hoping he wouldn’t have to get more explicit, “Well… it might get a little, um, frustrating, especially for guys...”

Suddenly, finally, Alice seemed to understand, “Oooh, that kind of frustrating!” Alice smiled over one shoulder and began thoughtfully shaking her gigantic buttocks against the seat, “Haha! Does that mean if you were stuck under my ass right now, you'd be bouncing around and stuff? And you might even get a boner???” Will was dumbfounded by how casually Alice had brought him into the equation, and by how nonchalant she seemed by the possibility of sitting on his erection.

Still bouncing up and down excitedly, Alice leaned over to grin and whisper to Will, “So is it better or worse if you like the girl who's sitting on you?”

Will could tell there was no malice in the question, just pure girlish curiosity, but still he found himself stammering, “W-well, uh, it’s- it’s definitely frustrating if I like her, b-but…” Alice’s cute smile grew with every word, her curiosity quickly turning to fascination as she listened to Will’s embarrassed explanation, “... but if I guess it's also kinda… fun...” Will trailed off, not wanting to say how enough rubbing could lead to orgasm.

Alice’s beaming grin, however, said she had already read between the lines, “OooOOOooh! Fun, huh? Well, now that I know that…” Alice giggled mischievously as she watched Will blushing furiously, and tried to settle down, “If you want, I’ll try to get the squishing scenes over quickly, without too many re-shoots.” Will sighed with relief before Alice coyly added in a sing-song voice, “Let’s just hope I don’t mess up my lines or somethiiing…♥” Will caught the flash of a devious smile, but couldn’t tell how serious she was before a voice blipped over a PA speaker in the corner of the room, “Tiny Victim #1 and Giantess #1, to the stage please?”

Alice joked, “Those bastards forgot the ‘Pretty.’” Then she gave Will a silly grin as she slowly uncrossed her legs and stood with a deep breath, “Well, jokes aside, I guess that’s us. Ready?”

Still a little dazed from all her lighthearted teasing, Will nodded as he made his way to the edge of his chair, “Yeah, uh, go on ahead, I’ll catch up.”

Alice took a step before pausing in front of his chair, “Oh! Before we go in front of the camera crew and stuff, you mind double-checking that I didn’t sit on someone?” Before he could respond Will looked up to see Alice’s gigantic backside swivelling into view. Her spandex short-shorts did an even worse job of keeping her rump in check than he had imagined, and as she planted her feet in front of him each rounded butt cheek took several seconds to wobble into place. Staring up from below Will could only gawp and wonder how such a gorgeous girl could possibly be so casual about waggling a literal mountain of perfect flesh over his head like that, without a care in the world. It wasn’t helping his focus that Alice’s shorts were obviously designed for the gym and had left 90% bare, supple ass-cheek facing his way. After a few moments Alice reminded him of what he was supposed to be looking for by helpfully shaking her hips, “Well? See anyone back there?”

Will took a deep breath and blinked several times to think but he definitely didn’t see anyone stuck to either over-sized butt cheek, nor underneath the skintight shorts that more closely resembled panties at this point. It was very possible a Tiny could have been shoved deep out of view within her buttcrack, but Will knew he’d pass out if she had to bend over for him to check, so instead he hoped for the best and stammered, “Uh, n-no, I don’t see uhm, anyone… I think you’re f-fine.”

Unaware of just how flustered her little request had left Will, Alice hopped back around with a great big smile, “Great, thanks! Here, lemme give a ride to my Tiny Victim co-star.” Without letting him disagree Alice very carefully plucked Will from the ground and set him in her palm. As he was being lifted into the air Will happened to notice the the incredibly flattened and sweat-soaked body of a Tiny man, mashed into the center of the wooden chair that Alice had been previously occupying… It was hard to tell as Alice began to carry him away, but Will thought he might have seen a dazed smile on the man’s face as well as a large wet stain seeping through his pants, undoubtedly a consequence from all of Alice’s innocent hip wiggling. Will decided it would be better not to say anything to Alice, who was now strutting confidently along without an ounce of nervousness in her bouncy body. 



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