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Tara’s Extended Wardrobe

An orange California sun beamed across the mountains, illuminating the Supervore, Los Angeles sign as if the universe itself had set an alarm clock just for the West-Thompson family. Both rocking designer shades and swimsuits, Tara and TJ had fallen asleep in two of their many rooftop balcony lawn chairs. They would’ve tried to sleep in the same chair, but a former all state quarterback and a 250-pound housewife wouldn’t bode well for their expensive poolside furniture.

Atop one of the balcony chair’s mini-tables was an ash tray with a Cuban cigar, five half-smoked blunts, a couple lighters, an empty shot glass, and flakes of unsnorted coke. On the other mini-table was a 1.75L Hennessey bottle with another empty shot glass, a plastic bag of Percocets, a few vape (and THC) sticks,  and boxes upon boxes of polished-off take out. Who ever said high school and college were over?

As they slept, the married couple in their late 20’s had their jet ski parked near the very edge of the pool, with gallons of water spread across the floor and even draining over their balcony and onto the other residents of the LA Hills location.

A few of their millionaire neighbors had complained to the wealthy power couple one to many times (really just the first time), and went missing. It’s pretty hard for LAPD to prove how they vanished when their remains are Tara’s ass fat itself; no different than the pricey steaks she enjoys during her many trips to Capital Grille and Ruth’s Chris. Including their tie-ins and bribery with the law, there was nothing anyone could do to stop them. Like a real life GTA V.

Having peacefully slept off her annoying meals, Tara flared her snout a few times before licking her lips and blinking her eyes open to the family balcony view of yet another California sunrise. With a satisfied girlish smile, the wife among the wealthiest 0.0000001% elite of human society peeled her sunglasses up to her forehead and slapped her normal (for her) sized belly with sadistic glee.

Tara had justified her actions to her oldest daughter, catching the aftermath of her parents’ hunt the previous night, by claiming their former neighbors were “just trying to block our blessings” which was just virtue signaling Insta-304 talk for “judging our deviant behavior”.

“I’m SO glad you’re done making my fat ass even FATTER for Instagram. I can feel you back there stretching out my poor bottoms as we speak…” Tara pouted, tilting to her side and teasingly pulling out a bikini wedgie. She then plopped back down on the poor neighbors-turned-booty flesh, who had only wanted the narcissistic couple to have consideration for the community.

“Well as I speak, anyway. BRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPP!!!” Tara belched all over the mansions and faraway slums below; her enormous outburst echoing down the palm-treed Los Angeles mountains. “Oooof…” The massive mom lazily scratched her belly without excusing herself before excitedly turning to TJ.

“Hey T-Boooone~? Baaaaaabe~?” The mother purred as her tummy suddenly growled like a lion. “Tummy’s hungryyy… Maybe I could have another fatass maid for breakfast? Ooh! Or have the Door Dash guy come inside for an ‘off the books tip’?” Tara snickered to herself as TJ stirred awake with a smile.

“You know that girl’s gonna say something one day.” TJ said, referring to his oldest daughter who was the only West-Thompson child actually aware of Tara’s ability.

“Tay won’t say shit about me eating people. If her mommy goes to jail the whole family looks bad and she won’t ever have friends again.” Tara shrugged heartlessly. “So I just eat people right in front of her now~!”

TJ groaned before asking, “…never Tommy or Tori…?”

“Of COURSE not, baby! I’ve never even swallowed them as punishment before. Only when they were curious and wanted to see what it was like inside.”

“Well it’s better nobody remembers you can vore at all. You’ve never been caught digesting someone, but all that hazing shit you pulled as a cheerleader is bitin’ your ass now. Someone’s always recording, even more nowadays.” TJ turned and spontaneously grabbed Tara in her chair.

“Hey!” The well-off mother complained in annoyance as her pool chair was tugged towards her far more annoyed husband.

“Which is why I TELL you to never punish Tay like that, even when you’re lowering the heat of your stomach acids and even when you’re spitting her back up later. If Tay or any nosy muhfucka in the city catches you on their phone, you won’t even need to digest someone to go to jail. The act of vore ITSELF is illegal now; digestion or not. And you can only pull self-defense if you don’t digest them… which you always do. It’s not 2011 anymore.” TJ pulled her in even closer with a strong flex of his athletic triceps. “And why I tell you to punish that girl in ANY other way that DOESN’T expose the family.”

“Okay Daddy.” Tara said with a stupid smile, more aroused by his aggression than worried by his words. Even though the selfish wealthy mother cared not for the deeper significance of taking life nor for the logistical importance of keeping her family’s pristine reputation intact, she always got in line when her Chad husband got ‘that’ tone in his voice. It turned her right back into that pickme high school cheerleader who wouldn’t lift a finger for 99% of guys but would do backflips for him.

The way Tara saw it, she wasn’t physically hurting the family due to her superhuman control of her innards, it was fun to see what she could get away with, and she would never get caught anyway. And that’s what was most important to her. Lucky for TJ he was TJ because even hedonist Tara would break her own rules to satisfy his.

“I’m sorry T-Bone.” The wild wife apologized genuinely, pouting her lip before hugging her hubby. “Now how ‘bout a lil’ breakfast banquet? We’ll have a maid stay after to massage my full belly until the kids leave for school. Our babies won’t find out and I’ll have PLENTY of room for her by then!” Tara laughed, shaking her sloshy belly in the warm sun.

“That’s my smart Tare-Bear~” TJ said as he directed his gaze over his trophy wife’s enormous bare vanilla thighs, admiring their noticeable growth since last night. “And how’d you sleep?” He asked, poking and pinching at Tara’s soft legs and making her giggle childishly.

“Gooood~!” The thick wife cooed as TJ’s fingers snaked between her upper thighs and deep into her privates. “Knowing that those assholes are being squashed under all my beautiful weight.” The gorgeous mom turned back onto her side, showing her hubby where the rest of the victims ended up; her enlarged cheeks bobbing and bouncing against each other to the torment of her wedged bikini bottoms. Tara laughed and smacked her beluga butt, turning it to gelatin.

“They acted so mean to us, baby. I mean, they act like we dumped water on their property on PURPOSE. And what was with all those noise complaints?! BUUUEEEEERRRRRAAAAAAAAPP!!” Another blaring echo over their neighbors. “Scuse me baby~” Tara girlishly apologized to her man with a blush before rushing back into her rant. “We had NO problems with them and they wanted to ruin our fun. I mean, if we really wanted to mess with them, I would’ve eaten them a long time ago, but I thought they were cool.” Tara pat her belly twice, its inner liquids shifting about like a waterbed. “Urrrp. Oh well… they’re belly sludge now.” The privileged mother of three callously boasted, squeezing and lifting the base of her gut only to release back onto her long chunky legs. “BUUUURRRRRRPPPPP!!!”

TJ bit his lip at his wife’s femininity amongst her terror. “Good. So you’re gonna eat a maid, and make sure none of the kids know. Right?”

“Right!” Tara said with an almost ‘anime’ inflection.


It was afternoon in the West-Thompson mansion and all three kids had been home from school for about 20 minutes so far. A maid, noticeably different from the one who served breakfast earlier, allowed the children inside and got them settled in.

Tara Jr. figured her mom had either gone off like a teenager out of boredom from staying in the house all day or was in her room doing absolutely nothing of value. Both showed how Tara never had to cook or clean, despite being willing to do it in response to TJ’s alpha energy.

So Tara Jr. watched YouTube for a few minutes before her videos started buffering. Tara’s oldest child was never one to seek help from her bloated excuse of a mom, but when the WiFi’s not working, the WiFi’s not working.

“Mom! Put your fat ass to use and fix the WiFi!” The ten-year-old demanded, barging into her mother’s expansive opulent room without knocking.

Tara Jr’s mother was, as usual, belly-up like a dead pufferfish; snoring away like a baby in her cushioned custom-made bed. Her mammoth maternal glands oozed from the various openings of the manila cross top she was wearing. Her normally overfed belly was truly oversized at this point, somehow squeezed into a tight pair of ankle-cut jeans like an overstuffed beef burrito. And even then, reinforced with a Louis Vuitton belt by some miracle.

Despite Tara’s belly managing to contain itself inside her clothes, a sudden flurry of squirms from within gave away just why it was so much larger than normal.

“Who is it today, blimp?” Tara Jr asked with a bit of bite to her voice as she watched her mom’s prey add to her already obese form. Every inch of Tara’s clothing was strained to capacity, stretching even more as the monstrous mother stirred awake. “We go to the best doctor in the world. I know he didn't add ‘eat your own maids’ to your diet!" Tara smiled at her daughter’s comment, like a child caught with her hand in the cookie jar, as she removed her girlish sleep mask and slowly blinked her eyes open.

“Mmmgh… be honest Tay, the maids aren't wearing THIS when they go out.” Tara patronizingly assumed, tugging on the expensive belt and snapping it back in place. Her intestinal inmate whimpered softly from within the monumental mother, indicating she didn’t have much fight left. “Or those.” The haughty housewife said, casually pointing her finger at a suspended clothes line over the bed, with a few other designer outfits hanging from it.

“Can you believe I got these clothes from some 400-pound landwhale? BUURRRRRPPP!! Some loser took her out shopping and I slurped down her fatass juuuust before they left! Tubby had to go to the bathroom so I polished her off and told the soyboy she was having a heart attack or something… ERRRRPPP!!!”

Tara Jr’s. eye twitched.

“Whatever the hell I said had him rushing into the woman’s room like a dumbass and me scooping up their bags and leaving the mall like a boss~” Tara grabbed her belt and shook the base of her belly to torment her corpulent captive with her own clothes. “BURRRRRPPP!!!”

Tara Jr. dodged the spewed-up saliva and took a deep breath.

“Why do you not just pay for-” The daughter began as Tara opened her own mouth for a fast response. Tara Jr. just decided to interrupt herself. “You could pay for it, but you ate her just for fun. I get it.” Tara beamed pompously.

“Ding ding ding! That’s a good girl! You’re really starting to get your mommy!” Tara said condescendingly, squashing the sides of her belly together and forcing the outline of her prey’s horrified face against the bottom of her gut; near her bedazzled belly button. Almost to demonstrate to Tara Jr she would do as she pleased, despite her daughter knowing she was a criminal. “But anyway, guys’ll simp for ANY bitch nowadays! GRRRAARRRRRRRPPPP!! And can you BELIEVE my belly hasn’t torn this belt to shreds yet?! She must’ve had this custom made by God.”

Tara Jr. scowled at how much her mom treated this like a game. “So those clothes are like… trophies to you?” She asked with a snarky inflection.

“Oh, of COURSE not. I’m not a freakin serial killer, Tay. These are just part of my extended wardrobe now! You just complained about me having enough money to buy these, but if I’m just eating people for fun anyway… why waste good material? I’m actually being very resourceful for the good of my family.”

Almost resembling an earthquake, Tara’s gigantic stomach began rumbling; the gaseous reverberations increasing in volume as they approached the fat mother’s throat. A slight hint of metal could be heard pinging against her slimy intestines until she unleashed a noisy “BEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRPPPPPPPPP!!”

Out flew a luxurious Patek watch, now covered in saliva, her digestive fluids, and even a few leftover strands of her victim’s hair. But luckily for her, it was salvageable.

“Imagine that. That’s abooooouttt… 500K I can spend on more clothes!” The high value mom taunted, knowing quite well that every member of the household owned their own Patek anyway by this point. “But honestly, these clothes do kinda remind me I got away with it~!” Tara admitted, biting her finger.

Tara Jr. practically had her hands clenched into fists. She cut herself off before, but not this time. “Why do you LIKE being so mean? Or why is being mean so fun to you? Or can you ONLY have fun if you’re being mean?! Tell me something, Snorlax!”

Tara laughed out loud before answering, “To be honest, I was even WORSE in high school. Even as the chubby girl who came from an isolated private school I was STILL popular enough to step all over whoever I wanted. I mean I was more thick than chubby buuuut… That was all before this PC fat acceptance BS. Even back then, they bowed down to me and let me get away with whatever I wanted.” The cruel mother teased as she shook her belly up and down, causing her prey to smack against the base and roof of her gut repeatedly. The belt was now on the verge of snapping open.

“And now it's even easier for me to get away with it since I'm such a sweet rich little mommy with all the right connections. BUUURRRRRRPPPP!!!" As Tara Jr backed away repulsed, her mother sarcastically whispered. "Even though I'm still that same bitchy head cheerleader."

Tara Jr speechlessly glared at her mother for several seconds, before the belt snapped. A gigantic orb of jelly oozed forward as the prey became more frantic yet quieter. Tara laughed loudly while her daughter stood like a statue, finally shutting up after several seconds. The mother sighed with a smile and broke the silence.

“Our family has a reputation to keep, so you keep your little mouth shut about this, okay baby? Tommy and Tori don't need to find out and go blabbing off to their teachers. And I know YOU'RE smart enough to stay quiet.”

That last part irked the 10-year-old the most, because she was also smart enough to know she was being tricked and manipulated by her mom.

“Yeah yeah for the FAMILY. Not you...” Tara Jr turned around and started to leave the room. “Just fix the WiFi, you hippopotamus.” As she continued to leave, a smile grew on her mother’s face.

“Oh, by the way. I ate that maid right after you all left to school.” Tara said, sneering down her nose as her daughter stopped in her tracks. “She was just my first little snack of the day.”

Tara Jr. remembered how hard her mother had worked that poor girl this morning, no different than she would to any other maid, but today felt far more like pure bullying than servitude. Tara was really just warming up the hard-working servant for the real torture later. And even after digesting her early in the morning, Tay’s mom still carelessly allowed herself to get caught with ANOTHER victim by the time the children were back from school. How many others could there have been? Nothing was more dangerous than Tara’s boredom.

“She was soooooo yummy~! And now she’s slop in my tummy~!” Tara continued to tease, lifting and dropping her huge gut; prompting yet another monstrous belch. As her daughter stayed silent, the cruel mother then began experimentally patting and pressing her manicured fingers into her huge stomach as she giggled whimsically, noticing that her current victim had stopped struggling too.

“Oooh, another one banished to my belly~ BURRRRRRPPPP!! Whaaat number was that? I think she was liiiike my fifth snack so far…?” The monstrous mother asked, absent mindedly tugging on the two open sides of her new stolen belt and causing her giant gut to shift side to side. “Eh, who cares. They’re all gonna be flushed far far away by tonight when I pass the rest of them. So I guess I’ll work that new maid even harder during dinner so I can have a nice sixth snack before dessert tonight. While I’m doing that, be a responsible big sister and make sure you’re giving the other two a shower so they don’t see me okay?”

Tara Jr felt her teeth grind together involuntarily as Tara smiled even more with a mocking expression and sat upright in bed with much effort. “Does that make you mad?” She teased, softly stroking her engorged gut. “You’re not gonna cry, are you? You know, just because our maids and cooks spend a lot of time in the mansion, it doesn’t mean they’re actually part of the family. As a matter of fact, as my belly fat they DO become part of the family! What an upgrade!” Tara said with a healthy pinch and jiggle of both love handles, forcing the front of her belly forward even more.

Tara Jr. refused to turn around as she listened to her mother dehumanize the family’s loyal workers. Just like Tara, all her daughter wanted was to be a normal kid who got into trouble and had her parents bail her out. Instead, she was living the opposite life of a rich kid who must carry and protect the knowledge that her own mom destroys families on a daily basis and ENJOYS it; not even allowed to confide in her own siblings about her feelings. Everything was about the family name. Essentially, the life Tara SHOULD have lived to humble herself. Yet she continues to do whatever she wants and moves the responsibility from her parents to her child.

The ten-year-old took a massive breath to collect herself and prevent Tara’s words from getting to her. Unclenching her fists, she took another breath before smiling.

“Well you aren’t part of this family to me.” Tara Jr. said, walking off. “I hate you.”

“All tweens hate their mommies~” Tara rebutted, waiting for a response before slowly losing her grin as her daughter seemed completely serious. “Tay…”

No response. Just a slammed bedroom door.

Tara sighed and flopped back in bed, her humongous stomach bobbing for several seconds. She softly poked the side of her tummy with a light frown. “Can’t even talk to you anymore, huh?” Tara asked her passed victim, smacking her gut a few times before belching and immediately covering her mouth. Maybe now wasn’t the time to be so openly rude to her surroundings after making her daughter feel so burdened with her OWN addiction.

“Maybe I should get clean.”


James Cummings

when are going to make some more videos