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Suzie’s 4/20/2024 (INCOMPLETE)

Suzie West, now seventeen with two months left of high school, had vowed to abstain from addictive substances for years. Avoiding fast food was her goal ever since watching Super Size Me in 7th grade health class. Coffee was on her no-no list for at least the first half of high school, until the blondie finally succumbed to her love for Starbucks’ iced coffees and lattes. And when it came to pure illegal drugs, Suzie believed even marijuana was a substance that wouldn’t enter her system for as long as she lived. But now, on the verge of starting college, the Wests’ youngest daughter had finally cracked under the pressure from her peers and her own unshakable curiosity.

Suzie anxiously waited behind the front door. She didn’t want to walk all the way down her driveway to the gate just yet, as any car driving by could see she was waiting with such pathetic desperation. The youngest West daughter had such bad luck with men that she finally decided, earlier that week, to bust her weed cherry. All purely for the chance of spending a night with Jerrell, the current day heir to TJ Thompson, as captain of the basketball team.

This young prospect, from the same hood as TJ Thompson, was the talk of the town and personally trained when he was in 8th grade by none other than Tara’s boyfriend of nearly 10 years. It was already well known that Jerrell had plowed every cheerleader by sophomore year of high school, and now a senior, the pussy-glutton had slowed down. He had been through many “relationships” but the last two had lasted at least a year each. It seemed as though he could really be turning a new leaf, at least in Suzie’s impressionable eyes.

For a girl who proved so independent over the course of middle school and the first 75% of high school, it was a bit surprising that Suzie West was so boy crazy now. But she felt in her heart that leaving SVHS without a single relationship would give college frat boys, hunting for inexperience, an easy feast.

However, it wasn't exactly good practice throwing herself at this current crush of hers at the loss of her integrity. So Suzie opted to stay inside and not wait by the front gate. She didn’t want to unveil even the slightest hint that she was desperate, especially not to the varsity wide receiver who was nearly about to arrive in his car.

Suzie always remembered Tara coming home on the 20th of April, reeking of fry grease and blunt ash. Some years it was with her boyfriend. Some times her bestie Niki was over. Maybe it was just Tara herself, standing by the gate and calling Suzie at 2AM, too high to remember that the password had changed; as it did literally every Friday for as long as the sisters had lived. Truly, the youngest West daughter wanted at least one chance to experience the other side of life. The fun side.

Suddenly, Suzie’s snapchat notified her that Tara was calling. She rolled her eyes, but to ease her anxiety while waiting, she decided to answer the video call.

“Hiii Suuuuuuuuuuuz!!!” Tara sang, smiling squinty-eyed into the camera. It looked like she was in the passenger seat of a car, luxury of course. 

Suzie had to get used to her new relationship with her older sister. Since graduating college, Tara had dedicated herself to being a whole better person. Still full of herself? Absolutely. But her behavior towards her little sister had definitely taken a turn for the good lately. “Happy four-twentyyyyyyyyyyyyy~! Guess what I had?!” 

Hesitantly, Suzie began lowering her defenses. Afterall, when Tara was her age she was practically at her very worst. “Umm… Ruth’s Chris?”


“Capital Grille?”

“No! C’mon Suz, it’s 4/20! Believe it or not, I can eat poor people food too!”

“Ugh, I dunno…” Suzie groaned, not exactly a fan of her sister referring to normal affordable food as only for the impoverished. “McDonalds, KFC, Taco Bell, Dominoes…”

“Wrong, wrong, WRONG, and wrongo! It's Chic-fil-A! And not just ANY Chic-fil-A… me and T-Bone spent all of 4/20 going from Chic-fil-a to chic-fil-a, from Stafford, Virginia to Orlando, Florida!” Suzie immediately felt a sharp pain in her chest as her sexually successful sister once again brought up her perfect relationship and boyfriend.

“We're at the Atlanta chic-fil-A right now…and the food is SOOOOOO salty and sugary! Suz I swear to you my belly has never been filled with so much sugar from a milkshake and frozen lemonade…” Tara whined, aiming the selfie-cam right at her overfilled gut; naturally, sitting in her lap and giving her shirt quite an embarrassing time. “Oooh! And the waffle fries were SUBMERGED in salt, Suzie… SUBMERGED I say!! No wonder the ladies down there are typically on the… LARGE side~” Tara said in an oscar-winning southern accent. “I love it though!” She smiled, patting her belly twice. By now, Suzie had charged up truckloads of jealousy (not even envy, with the way her sister used to treat her) initiated by Tara mentioning the type of elusive trophy man Suzie herself had failed to attain.

“Tare, you’re so annoying! I have someone coming over in a few minutes.” The blond finally announced, now calling her hefty sister by the nickname which had come to symbolize their budding sisterhood as of late.

“Oooh! A boytoy?” Tara sneered in a taunting manner, her tongue subconsciously sliding across her full greedy lips.

“Yeah…” Suzie blushed, barely able to imagine being in the position of power to have her own man to toy with like Tara got to enjoy for so many years.


“I just don’t want this to end like all the others…” Suzie sighed into the camera.

“I dunno Suz. You just need like…an edge.” Tara continued when she caught Suzie’s confusion.

“When I used to catch TJ staring at me eat, I used to always call him out for being a ‘weirdo’. But he always had this… instinct that I was really turned on by feederism too. And the fact that he isn’t ashamed of his fetish and RECOGNIZED that I actually like it too… THAT’S an edge, Suz.” Tara giggled to herself suddenly. “And we STILL make fun of each other for liking this weird shit all these years later. You, on the other hand… well…” Tara thoughtfully nibbled on a few fries. “You do everything you’re supposed to do, but it’s so damn manufactured. Like, you don’t show guys you’re into weird stuff, BUT because you show them you’re into all the basic stuff, you’re just like… a number. Don’t be boring.”

“Yeah, well not all of us are given handouts…”

“Yeah muhfucka. It's the struggle.” Tara said in a pathetically white-girl-sounding hood accent.

“I'm SERIOUS! You don't know how HARD it's been for me these past four years! It's been disappointment after disappointment, horrible guys, creepy guys… I've given up, I've…I've tried AGAIN, I…I… you just have no CLUE, do you?!”

“Sheesh Suz, simmer down a little if ya know what's good for ya kid.” Tara looked off into the distance in a high trance before laughing. “He said the nastiest thing a girl can do is shove her finger in her belly button.”

“Ugh, stop Tare…”

“Give ‘im a lil’ tongue, too! Heehee~!” Tara laughed, sticking her tongue out with sultry eyes as she fingered her belly button off camera. Suzie looked away, not out of her usual disgust of her sister’s behavior but the fact that her sister’s behavior had given her everything she wanted.

“Ya gotta just NGGGHH lose control!” Tara finally blurted out, practically having an orgasm in front of her sister. “…sorry Suz, I’m just really fried…”

Suzie shook her head with a smile. This was the reality right now. Tara had everything she could ever want and was absolutely loving it. And she was already feeling negative vibes about her upcoming meeting. This was probably her last shot at prom. All she really could do was smile.

“Alright Tare… I’m about to get ready for the big date!” Suzie said with admittedly, forced optimism toward the end of her sentence.

“Mind if I tell ya a secret?” Tara suddenly asked, snapping Suzie out of her own trance. The oldest West daughter used her acting prowess to hold an unnerving silence for her teenage sister.

“You're living in denial, lil sis~”


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