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Already posted this link on YouTube, deviantART, and here on patreon, but here it is one more time with a still image of the scene's dialogue.

Queen Jess Bahamas Scene:


Original Roleplay Posts:

On Aug 11, 2014 1:19 PM, "Firechar" wrote:

Jessica: *eventually finishes eating the mountainous pile of dumplings, popping the last one in her mouth. She was looking rather sleepy and stuffed by this point, her huge, tightly distended belly gurgled and sloshed as she lay back in her creaking chair, pudgy paws resting on the apex of her tummy* Mmph...*URRRP!* oof...forgot how fattening d-*urp!* dumplings were...my belly feels sooo heavy...*lazily rubs her swollen tummy, her belly button popping outwards as she swallowed her last bite* Mmph...*BELCH!* oogh my tummy...

On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 5:44:00 PM, "supervore" wrote: 

Raymond: *smiles at how full she looked with still so much food left; knowing this would be the perfect time to spring his special wedding gift on her, after he took care of the first gift* Umm...babe? What's that thing on your plate? *he asked, pretending like he didn't know what was in the box*

Jessica belongs to Firechar:




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