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I know I said I wasn't going to be doing Kinktober this year, but that was before I remembered I hadn't done a maid pic in awhile. Remember this? Well, there's a bit more to this story. 

    You see, while going to college in Ottawa, Aspen worked as a waitress at a maid cafe because 1, it paid well and 2, she really liked the uniform. In fact, she liked it so much that she kept her uniform after graduating from Ottawa U and moving to the States. Unfortunately for her, Luna also has a thing for maid uniforms and while Billie is a way bigger sub than Aspen could ever be, Aspen looks better in a maid outfit. So, whenever Aspen draws Luna's ire (Or gets hypnotized), don't be surprised to see her in this outfit! 

Let me know what you think about this Canadian Maid and enjoy!



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