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I really got to find a way to spice up these updates, don't I? Aside from my miserable little office job, there's not a whole lot going in my world. Then again, in this economy, I should consider having a job to be a blessing. Well, I have been building a house (living in flyover country does have its perks), which has been... rather interesting.

Now, let's have a little gander at what to expect for this week:

-The seventh Feddie n' Fam will drop this week, I've decided not to put deadline on it and instead just do it on a "it's done when it's done" sort of thing. Otherwise, my sleep schedule will be fucked. 

-A special pic will be uploaded tomorrow! Stay Tuned!

-Another prize pic is going up thisw week, I'm aiming to get three uploads this week. So, wish me luck!

-If enough things break right for me this week, I should be able to make a pretty sizable dent in the Aideen Mini-Comic, however, I'm not ready to make any guarantees... yet. 

-I also am in the midst of a non-bondage project for work. Unfortunately, I can't share it here. For obvious reasons. 

And that right there is what's going on in my world for this week. Incredible how these things pass us by, isn't it? So, stay tuned!    



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