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Welcome Back Diehards!

Last week AOT had us on the edge of our seats and we couldn't wait to jump back in this week. So let's go!

We don't want to call it another cliffhanger, but it's BACK TO BACK cliffhangers! We can't wait to find out what happens in the next episode!


**Disclaimer: Please note that while we strive to provide an enjoyable viewing experience, our reaction videos may contain mature content such as profanity, nudity, and extreme gore, which we have censored in our reference footage. Viewer discretion is advised.**




The main hint that tells us that Eren and Mikasa are not siblings is their last names. Eren’s last name is shared with his parents, Yeager. Mikasa’s last name is Ackerman.


Loved this reaction! One of favorite parts of AOT is the action sequences- so good.