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Hello my boyz, i'm here! hope you're okay as me. 

Ehem, i think i decided to remove the Comic page poll reward from the $5 tier. But maybe you say: Why? R: Produce these comic pages takes me a lot of time cuz you know i can't draw low quality stuff for this page and for you x'D so i can't draw a quick comic, but that's not the hard reaseon, i want open commissions, and isn't a good idea open commission this month if i see i'll don't have enough time to work on 'em, gotcha? Obviously this commissions will stay in patreon or not depending the commissioner (Usually they don't have problems with this) And i want open commissions with good quality...

That's all... Well then, sorry if'ya don't like this idea but i must dewitt! 😵‍ 

Anycase, you know i'm always trying improve my skills, seeya in the next post! 


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