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Thoughts and Plans for September (T.P.S)

I have some thoughts and plans for the next month. For sure you know that i'll close up some tiers. And the upgrade of some others too. I'll say you somethings that you'll probably like.

My intention is create community, a real one lol


(Quick: I'll post ALL my works here first, obvious gifts for friends will be public lol)

1.- You know that normally i gift to the tier $3 a post where you can suggest a character to draw, i didn't do that on these months cuz i had no too much time so... Next month i'll implamentate that IN the tier description. Next month $3 tier i'll have the chance to suggest one characters (ocs not included)

2.- I want implemantate a weekly stream, where we can doodle characters, talk and show you some of my personal art projects. Obviously this stream will be privated, only for you; the patrons (And yes, the stream, will be able for all tiers $3, $5 and more!) And i'll make a calender for streams, so you'll be know and prepare for it previous.

PS: Probably it will be Friday or Saturday on the night, no give'ya more chance if you have a job lol

3.- I want implementate a REAL change on the $5 tier, not only with the same 2 polls. Now i'll implementate ANOTHER poll, yeah you'll have 3 polls. Poll 1 and 2 will be the same with 4-3 characters to vote, but now those two polls will allways have a vore alt and a sweaty alt too. - *Eham* Yeah, like always but what about the third poll?* - Well fellas, that poll will be a Comic page poll! Yep, like the last page of Peach x Daisy comic, WITH QUALITY (good; line art, colors, shade and backgrounds) and if you want it, you continue the same comic page to a part too, so we'll have an organic comic centrated only on the weight gain.


1.- Well, i learned isn't a good idea do a commission tier. Not because i hate do commissions or i have bad commissioners, no. I had GOOD commissioners there, nice people who wait a lot for my dummy works (Thank'ya so much boys from the private patreon server!) But, what about X month i have some problems or i don't have the time to do patreon polls works and commissions at the same? Well i learned it's better if i only ''open'' commissions if i'm free with the time to dewitt all. You know my priorities will be the drawings for the $3 and $5 tiers (Almost all patrons lol)

2.- About comics and animatios; NO, but not that ''no i'll never do that again'' I'll don't do polls about a WHOLE comic like Mario comic, i learned from that and now i see it's more hard than i thought make a whole comic, so i'll be more responsible and if i want to do a comic with a GOOD history i'll do it by my self with my own time, I also want do some animations for youtube (Obviously first for'ya) of Pansy's life. With voice actress, color BG, jiggly bodies lol

That's all what i want to say. Thank you if you readed all of that, sorry if it's much but this is my job, my full time job so i want give'ya quality!

And guys like always, don't forget to comment if you have a suggestion, opinion or just something to say. I want create community with'ya so just say all what you want!  



Mate. You will always be a fuckin legend.