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Alright, i'm working on a new 2022 tiers plan. 

The things that i already have in my mind are:

Tier $3 = Current rewards

Tier $5 = I'll add a monthly ''your character here'' random (Black and white)

Tier $10 = Now all drawings will have color BUT i'll put a wight limit (Blobs are still alowed but no more city size, or galactic blobs; Max size can be room size or house size) I'm still thinking about this idea.

Tier $20 = Current rewards

Tier $50 = This will be the new tier, your reward is one drawing per month ROUGH; Soft color with a flat BG (The size limit is a normal House)

TIer $100 = Alright, i need time to thing a lot of this one. You'll recieve 4 drawing panels, ''i already have an example'' but characters can't have (Armor, or if the character have complex clothes, this clothes will be downgraded to a simple one version of the original) everything with a rough cell shade coloring and a simple background. But the most important thing of this tier i think is; You can stay in this tier for one month, the next month you must leave the tier waiting for the next like:  You joined in January, you must leave in February but you can join again in March... 

How i said this are my plans, but i can't change somethings or directly eliminate things too. Now i'll return to work on the comic and rewards, thanks for reading! <3



Id say those are solid ideas


That 100 tier is tempting