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After read all Patreon controversy i decided to left this horrible page.

My patrons, don't worry i already saved all your names (152 names saved) I'll send you via private message a private link to all works i'll do on July, this normally are 5-7 commissions + two kynthia's comic pages + Rosalina drawing

Thank you for support me, i really apreciatte it but you need to understand i'm worried about my own intelecutal propertry. i'll probavly find other page to do me payment content like suscriberstar or PixivFanBox

I'll delete all in two days 7/18/2020. Save all art you can!



Is the art from this page going to be posted publicly at any point, or is it going to be deleted with the account and never seen again?


I'll try to post next month all old art that i have, sadly i don't have all images i posted in old times. That's why i said you need to safe all art you can


Well, some people don't have the time to scroll through and save every bit of art they can, I'm asking this on behalf of those people. The re-posting doesn't have to be next week, or even next month. Just, at some point. For the sake of those who wouldn't be able to make the deadline


I think that you should wait until Patreon actually tries to do something.


Any chance you can extend the deadline to the end of the month? Or at least the 25th? Two days is not a lot of time to save all your work, especially for those who work 10+ hours a day.

James Sunderland

Shit. I said this might happen a couple of months ago. I completely understand your reasons for leaving. I'm gonna see what the other artists I donate to are doing, and I may pull all my donations. Fuck these totalitarian SJW assholes.


Don't jump the gun, Patreon hasn't actually pulled this bullshit with more than like a couple of people.