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Boosette WG - Part one


“So, this is what it feels like to be a human? It feels so... different this body is so... Heavy” It had been a long time since the super-crowns had been discovered in the Mushroom Kingdom, everybody was speaking about their immense power, how everything they touched transformed into a queen, a rumor that had reached the Boo Colony. Now that the craze had died down, they finally managed to get their... Hands? Arms? On one that was left unguarded.A Boo-Butler watched awkwardly as his new queen explored her body, she had always been his mistress, so when she asked him to take the crown for her, he did it without a second guess. “Oh, I'm sorry my lovely darling, I forgot you were there. I really want to thank you, I couldn't have done it without you... But tell me, did you also managed to get me... The things?” Boosette asked with her mouth watering.The Boo-Butler nodded, handing her what appeared to be a chili-dog, definitively not what she had mind when she asked him to bring human delicacies “Is this all that could find? Well, I suppose this will do for now. Finally, I will be able to taste what humans and toads eat on a daily basis, no longer will it be a mystery for me” She said excitedly as she took a bite out of the junk food, her eyes closed, her tongue savoring every second of it... It... It was delicious! Her eyes opened wide as she swallowed the rest of the thing in an instant, crazily looking for more. She grabbed the boo by his bootie and pulled him closer “Darling, you need to bring me MORE! So much MORE. Forget all that I said about human plates and all the fancy stuff, bring more of this commoner food, NOW!”




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