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Always the second plate, always in the shadow of the first. Daisy felt great grief for being the "other queen" on the mind of all the kingdom; the one made for just diversity, one similar without being exactly like her... Without being Peach! That name... it plagued Daisy's mind all day every day.  Daisy found herself sitting on an elegant chair on a room of the Mushroom Kingdom, filled with luxuries; toad's who serve her every hour of the day, all the food that she could desire and a lovable partner Lui-all the food that she wanted?... ALL THE FOOD THAT SHE WANTED! This was a revelation to poor Daisy. Frustrated without power to do much, she started to reflect on her life; she didn't hate Peach, she didn't want to hurt anyone either, but she wanted to be more, she wanted to feel useful... She wanted to feel... BIG.

If she was condemned to be second, she was going to enjoy it. She called her toad followers as soon as she could, she was going to need a lot of hands “You, little one, bring me everything that there is in the kitchen, you, the one of the right, bring me a massive cushion to rest myself, and fast!” she screamed, the little mushroom by her side was a bit worried, nobody had asked for so much food before, and by that he meant that nobody had asked for literally “EVERYTHING”, but he was going to follow her orders.

 And that was the beginning of a life or pleasure and indulgence for Daisy, she was finally living like royalty; she wasn't going to move anymore, everything moment of the day she was going to spend munching or swallowing a delicacy. She even had the twisted idea of one day tasting the flavor of one of her toads.  This constituted Daisy's everyday life, feeding herself, growing fatter and fatter, her stomach began to grow and divide itself into two rolls, her neck grew thicker and with a cascade of chins. Her mobility was decreasing at an alarming rate, her thighs were now as big as Bowser himself, her ass was almost as massive as the cushion she was sitting on. Daisy was in complete ecstasy, she wasn't the number one princess, the ruler of everything, she wasn't more than a lazy blob that gave herself to a life of hedonism... She wasn't more than a useless fatty “The most useless... The fattest... THE... FATTEST!” she screamed, her body quivering like jello on an earthquake just from the simple act of speaking, at the same time that sweat began to roll down her body, droplets poured from body into the body of her servant toads. Duagh, my princess be more careful!

To be continued...




When will part two come out


Can part 2 be posted?


Sure thing, but i don't have part two written and i don't like too much how looks. I will post it any case if you want :3


Thanks, love you.