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Jenna had worn a tight, elegant dress to the party to highlight her figure, which meant she avoided eating all evening to keep her silhouette sleek. By the time she left, her frustration and hunger were at an all-time high.

On her way home, driven by her intense hunger, Jenna stopped at Burger King and ordered fifteen cheeseburgers to go. When she arrived home, she couldn't wait to dive into her massive order. She lined up the burgers on her dining table and began to devour them one after another.

With each burger, her hunger started to ease, but her belly began to swell under the constraints of her dress. By the time she reached the fifteenth burger, Jenna had to force it down, realizing maybe she had bitten off more than she could chew.

After finishing the last one, she leaned back, her stomach incredibly full and round, visibly stretching the seams of her dress.

Eventually, as she stood up to clear the wrappers, she heard the sound of fabric tearing. Her dress had given up, the seams bursting open due to the pressure from her bloated belly.

Jenna laughed it off; her immediate need was to digest this enormous meal. She settled in for a night of relaxation, her food baby proudly on display.



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