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Hey everyone. Hope you guys had a good week. time for a progress update. so let's get to it. First off. Coloring is done. I already moving on to doing the background. I wanna say that I'm 60% done with it. the good news is that it shouldn't take too long to do before I move on to the next step. from there it's just one more process before it's time to put everything together. so far, so good.  

another thing I wanted to bring up is the tattoos designs I've been working on. (like the one you see above.) the idea for Linda was to always have a bunch of tattoos (And more) underneath her clothes. I hope you guys like milfs with tattoos. However drawing a bunch of tattoos every time I draw her is time consuming. So my solutions was to draw one high quality image per tattoo, and add them on her when needed. like a stickers. Personally I'm happy with the results. However, I'll let you guys be the judge of it. 

well. that's it for now. till next time. in the meantime. here's another teaser. take care for now.


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