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Hey, everyone. Hope you guys had a good weekend. now let's get to it. First off. I want to welcome the new supporters. this really means a lot, and appropriate it.  I hope to live up to your expectations. now to the details. the artwork for the next update have already begun. As you can see. 0.008 is gonna focus on Linda. I got most of the sketch done for it. However, I want to add maybe two more to round it out. this is not including the selfie at the end. 

I've also been working on some concept art for content further down the road. As Pyxis mention in her battle. She's not alone and will be the first of many. I'm gonna be honest. her design was rushed, and I don't want that for the others. So I got a head start on designing her comrades, and superior. but they're not the only ones. I teased that Jaime is gonna have an ally heading into the upcoming battles. I've also started working on her design as well. Still hammering out the details. But it's almost done too. while I think it's a bit too early to show them off. I'm just gonna leave some teaser for them. 

That's it for now. until the next progress update.


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