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Hey, everyone. Hope everyone's doing well. now let's get to it. I hit a bit of a bump while putting  Version 0.004. the Rebecca pic, Ines quest, and Stacey intro cut scene are up, running, and ready to go. the second new quest for Ines however just doesn't want to cooperate at all no matter what I do. unfortunately I got to call it for the day. hopefully in the next day or two, sorry everyone. 

Hey, everyone. Hope everyone's doing well. now let's get to it. I hit a bit of a bump while putting  Version 0.004. the Rebecca pic, Ines quest, and Stacey intro cut scene are up, running, and ready to go. the second new quest for Ines however just doesn't want to cooperate at all no matter what I do. (the one pictured above.) unfortunately I got to call it for the day Since I got work in the morning. hopefully in the next day or two, sorry everyone. 


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