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Hey everyone. hope y'all had a good week. let's get to it. All the new content are in. the main story, Rebecca's, Linda's, and Ms. Wallace. I still have to do some tightening here, and there. But for the most part they're done. I also got the quest log running...kinda. Honestly, I've been beating my head against the wall on this one all weekend. it was to the point that I was actually thinking about scraping it altogether. However i made a breakthrough in the last hour. It's still trial and errors, but I'm getting closer and closer. It feels really good to finally see the finish line on the horizon. Here's hoping that the next time I post something. it'll be version 0.003. Seriously, thanks you all for your support. And if you cancel your pledge during the development of ver. 0.003. You will still get early access to the upcoming build based on the tier you had.  You have my word on this.  well that's it for now. here's a little something extra for you Ines fans. 


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