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Hey, everyone. I know this update has taken a lot longer then it should have, and i know everyone are anxious to play it.  I know I want to get it out in the light of day. And if everything goes smoothly. I might be able to get it done by the end of the week.  so here's my question to everyone. 

option 1: Release 0.003 as soon as possible.

Basically. get out the door as soon as I'm done adding all the new scene is added. however it may lack some polish, and it won't have the quest log.

Option 2: Wait till everything is complete.

Basically what it says. However this also mean that this may not release till the end of the month. quite honestly. I'm not sure how long it will take me to add the quest log, and just general polishing, and tightening here, and there.  

So there you have it. I'm gonna leave it in your hands. sound off in the comment section if you want too.


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