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Welp, Namu is stuffed. Nothing else to say about this I guess. Those vines finally got her.

I'll be adding this to the game as a Game over- picture.

Game Over-scenes are something that I might be adding to the game. I say "might" because I personally don't really like scenes that happen only if you lose.

What do you guys think? Game over-scenes : 







100% yay with game over scenes


I don't necessarily mind Game Over scenes, it offers a way of progressing sex scenes that normally wouldn't flow with standard gameplay. I can see how others would dislike them though.


Yep. Do it. With all enemy types and make the scenes unique from their in game sex scenes. Gives us something more to look at!


Well, that's one way I was thinking about it; it would be something extra. I would have to find away to make the scene available permanently after you've witnessed it. (So you don't have to go lose everytime you want to see it)


Not sure I would want it to be a game over screen. I dont like the idea that I need to die to get a scene reward. because then I would have to reload the save? however if after the scene instead of reloading the save, it then teleports you back to a bed in the tavern and a npc says something like "are you okay nami? we found you unconscious in the cave, etc" then maybe it wouldnt be as bad? or maybe after experiencing the same sex scene, say 5 times it then changes to this "game over scene" as nami's mind has been broken from being sexed up too much?


After seeing this, I HAVE to say YAAAAY. Although I agree that scenes you only see on defeat are kinda meh gameplay wise, so maybe as a lower priority.


That is my main gripe with the game over scenes, because you would have to lose to get it. And yeah, to fix it, would be to remove gamer over entirely and just make Namu wake up in an Inn or something, like you said, but that is not what I really want, as I still want this game to be a real RPG.


I hear ya. Could just give that crystal room another door to a room for that.


What if instead of it being a game over scene. You can make it so each stage has an interactive scene, like clicking on a random sparkly patch of vines out of curiosity results in namu being assaulted by them


id have to say nay on the gameover scenes. Maybe instead of a gameover, the scene happens when namu loses a battle

Steel viper

You could Make them gameover screens but they unlock in a gallery like the other scenes if you beat an area dungeon.


Certainly more in favor of this being on lose in battle, but not so much a game over. Maybe game overs should be rare...maybe Namu gets captured for lewds more often than not on defeat. *shrugs*

Gino Digiannantonio

Yay. Theres a thrill to purposely submitting and at any rate you can add them to the gallery when you get past that enemy and make it so you can view the scene from the gallery without losing in the first place.