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This is a collection of 5 days of selfies in instant film.

I began with what was in the camera, which was black and white. When it was out, I loaded color film.

I’ve expressed before how much I love analog stuff. The instant camera is no exception. I love having something tangible to hold. It makes the memories of the days I took these so real. More so than a digital picture of the same thing. If that makes any sense!

Day one, the weather had just started warming up again ( March 21). On the 22nd, I received my new surf skate and proudly hold it next to my face so that it would be in the shot, too! The 23rd was a sunny, bright day. You can see the long shadows behind me. On the 24th I went out to touch some grass. I mean really touch it, and lie down in it! The previous days of sunshine had dried the ground for me. Then today’s photo marks the start of a new painting!

I’m really enjoying this mode of daily documentation. I have plenty of film for more…so I’ll just have to keep going.

It’s almost become an exercise in capturing Zen. Little highlights of the peace bringing moments.




I still love old school cameras and technology!!!