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My current body of art work is centered around communication. In creating art within this theme, I find myself exploring concepts. I am a self portrait artist, which requires using my own image and likeness in my work. However, I am equally a conceptual artist. But the cross-section of those works requires a bit of work. Often including the creation of "rough drafts" for the sake of expansion and experimentation.

This idea and rough draft will likely provide the means and path to greater and additional works. The later works will ultimately be more refined. I feel that it's important to include a behind the scenes look at how a completed work comes to fruition. There is nothing deep or meaningful within this draft. By seeing this version, I am able to progress to a finished piece with added meaning.

Stay tuned for more polish and refinement.




Gregory Valentine

!! tnereffid saw taht lleW !!LeahcaR Wow