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The parts:

1. A self-portrait drawing in charcoal (how I see myself).

2. An instant photo (how others see me).

3. A haiku (my inner thoughts):

Jasmine scent floats on

muggy night air thick with heat,

cuddling mosquitos.

Summer seems fully in effect. Both days and nights are warm, nights rarely cool off here. the cacophony at night time has begun with the choruses of frogs, crickets, and other creatures. It won't be long till the cicadas are added as well, and that is even louder. I love the scent of Summer in Georgia. You can smell the earth and the humidity. It reminds me of some childhood memory of stepping into a greenhouse for the first time in high deserts. Everything from mimosas to Gardenias to Jasmine to Magnolias send a heavenly scent into the night air. I have wished and tried in vain many times to capture the fireflies on film. It's lovely and it makes me smile.




I spent over a month in Statesboro, Georgia in July-August 1999. Growing up in the north, the heat and humidity of Georgia was brutal. I was taking care of my friends’ kids, ages 2 and 3 so their mom could get her chemotherapy treatments and so their dad could work. 75°-80° is perfect for me with low humidity. The red pines, white pines, Jack pines, spruce and fir trees have a wonderful scent this time of year. There are many plants with blossoms now like lilac, Lilly of the valley, apples, pin cherries, etc.